Week 0 Event for 2013

We are one of many central Ohio teams and have been looking to creating a practice field for our use, but due to our shop limitations we really don’t have room for it, and even if we just had a half field our ceiling is too low.

We all thought it was pretty cool how some teams hosted a Week 0 event so before they shipped they had a chance to get their robot out on the field.

I understand there are many different levels at which you can host an event, by just using FMS light and a few Ethernet switches or by using the full FMS. I am looking to all of you to figure out how other teams do it. I know FIRST stations fields all throughout the US before regional events even start so they are in an area around all of their events.

I know the other issue with having a FIRST Field is that you have to have an FTA out at the event, but I am sure someone in central Ohio is an FTA.

While I cannot comment on what other Week 0 events do, you’ve got a strong group of teams in Central Ohio to work with to set up an event. I’d suggest talking with 1014 and other teams as well as Ohio State and try to plan something for the Central Ohio region. I know 1014’s school has some great areas that would work for a Week 0 event (as well as the offseason event that will be there).

NASA has awesomely provided a full mechanical field for years that we use in DC for a week 0 preship event, and then gets trailered up and down the East Coast for off-season events. This year we ran it with no FMS, each team used their own radio and was told by an announcer when to start autonomous and drive.

I know other places have gotten a regional effort to pay for and build a field, and then find an empty storefront in a stripmall somewhere to get the use donated for a few weeks so teams can go and practice the last several weeks of build during set times and then have a week 0 event.
