Week 1 Video Status Report


The Blue Alliance
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**Week 1 Video Status Report
3 Complete Events and 294 Videos

At the end of the first week of competition, the combined efforts of the community have resulted in 294 videos of matches on The Blue Alliance, including the entirety of the Midwest Regional, the New Jersey Regional, and the St. Louis Regional. Special thanks to those who recorded and helped cut up these events, including Kyle Fenton, DeAnnaC, Jonathon Norris, SOAP 108, and more! Your efforts have been invaluable and we wouldn’t have this great scouting resource without you!

Next week there are another 5 regionals: Arizona, Finger Lakes, Kansas City, NASA / VCU, and San Diego. We have people who have said they will be recording four of these five events. Hopefully we’ll be able to recruit the help of the community in parsing any video that needs parsing like we did this week, and get as many of these videos online as soon as possible!

Also, check out Week 1’s highest scoring match - 146 points by 2041, 1114, and 1024

We can’t wait to see what happens in Week Two! Does anyone think we’ll see scores that top 150?

What were everyone’s favorite matches from the first week?


It actually looks like every match this weekend was recorded, I haven’t heard from Madison yet but I believe her team recorded the Oregon Regional. Both New Hampshire and Oregon were recorded as well, but may just take a little bit longer to get cut up.

I would like to thank everyone from last week for doing a great job of recording the first week regionals! Lets keep it up! For week two we are still looking for someone to record the Kansas City Regional, hopefully someone can step up and do it.

Is there a particular reason the Manchester videos only go up to match 12? Will the rest be uploaded soon?

Thank you blue alliance! You help make the FIRST community wonderful.

Yea Kyle is slowly uploading the raw footage, I have cut up whatever he’s uploaded so far. It should all be up relatively soon not to worry.

Where can I find match 39 of the midwest regional?

I think thats the match where 1114 was DQed for high speed ramming in hybrid.

:ahh: NOT DQ’d … :ahh:

Yellow card following repeat, after initial warning. :yikes:

BTW … I did find it interesting that this was about the only match NOT in the archive from MWR. I SWEAR I didn’t pay off the video guy … really … I mean it … no kidding … would I do that?? :stuck_out_tongue:

i belive i recall a game in the New Jersey regional that a team scored 52 points in hybrid…does anyone know what is the number of that game?

That was qualification match number 58, but the SOAP/TBA video does not show the field for the majority of the hybrid period.

I’m working on getting the video of this match from our team’s scouts - they shot the entire field; however, the file is a massive uncompressed .avi . . .

what about oregon regional? I really want to see the vids

Checking on it, I believe team 488 recorded the regional. I’m checking on the status of the video, I’m sure it will be out sometime soon.

thebluealliance.com is better than the wheel, telephones, light bulbs, and sliced bread combined…

The video/picture archives of TBA might be the best website to happen to FIRST in a long long while. Phenomonal job guys…I am enjoying every minute of this.

Thanks so much TBA, you’ll help make our scouting for Philly soooooooo much easier. If you don’t mind me asking, do you have video from qualifier 59 of NJ I noticed that this is the only match you’re missing and it’s one of our better matches.

If you guys need my help with any of the video parsing, let me know. I can lend my services to you.

It’s thebluealliance[b].net :slight_smile: .com was taken already.

We’ve been posting in the The Blue Alliance sub-forum with events that need help with parsing. Stay tuned for future announcements there, and thanks for the offers to help!

I’m glad everyone is enjoying the resources we’ve put together! We have a few more tricks up our sleeves, and if we can ever get the time to work on them we might have some exciting announcements before the end of the season :slight_smile: .

Hehe, never seen that forum before. New territory for me. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll check it out.

I hope the “MWR 146” score carries with it a permanent asterisk that it was 3v1 for the majority of the match. We only feel slightly hurt after that beating. :frowning: It was fun to watch the hurdle-fest and always cool to see teams perform well together!
If teams do go above the 150 score I hope it is a “two-way” street…3v3 with good scores on both alliances - a very offensive match!