We started the first week of regionals with the most exciting regionals with 3 on the east cost and 1 on the west coast &for week #4’s competitions there will be 2 on the east coast and at most 3 in the middle of the US which are also another set of exciting regionals.
With this in mind I give you the NYC FIRST! Regional. Where NY Teams and other teams from different states get to settle their differences on the field.
This thread will provide continous updates of the NYC Regional and its Team Social following the completion of the NYC Regional.
Awards won by Teams will be posted here as well and possible Match Results. Match results will only be taken if I can gather enough of people (possibly about 5 and everyone could have [x] amount of matches so no dublicate scores are posted. If you would like to participate in Match Score keeping with me just PM me. Match Results will be posted in this thread so that the Teams who did not go can see how the NYC FIRST! Competition went. Awards won by Teams does not require many people so 2 at most will be needed. Possibly I will do it and will need 1 other person.
And we cannot forget about RICH WONGS The Good The Bad The Ugly and the SO SO. This pertains to Competition Location, Seating, Pit Space, Car Parking, Food, etc… Any comments about any of those above listed can also be posted here that way we keep everything in one thread. When you reply to this thread. In the Title Bar (if its editable) use 1 of the following this way teams looking here know what your talking about !
A: The Good The Bad and The Ugly
B: Match Results / Awards
C: Team Social
D: Competition Comments
Ok! Thats it for now Hope to see this thread active by next thursday when the NYC FIRST! Regional unpacks its competitors. Till then you have this weeks regionals to watch. I hope you all have fun. Good Luck and can’t wait to see you guys at the NYC FIRST! Regionals
For any of the Teams that need help next thursday with their robots I will be walking around the pits lending a hand in getting your robot unpacked and rolling.