Week#4 - NYC FIRST! Regional & Social


We started the first week of regionals with the most exciting regionals with 3 on the east cost and 1 on the west coast &for week #4’s competitions there will be 2 on the east coast and at most 3 in the middle of the US which are also another set of exciting regionals.

With this in mind I give you the NYC FIRST! Regional. Where NY Teams and other teams from different states get to settle their differences on the field.

This thread will provide continous updates of the NYC Regional and its Team Social following the completion of the NYC Regional.

Awards won by Teams will be posted here as well and possible Match Results. Match results will only be taken if I can gather enough of people (possibly about 5 and everyone could have [x] amount of matches so no dublicate scores are posted. If you would like to participate in Match Score keeping with me just PM me. Match Results will be posted in this thread so that the Teams who did not go can see how the NYC FIRST! Competition went. Awards won by Teams does not require many people so 2 at most will be needed. Possibly I will do it and will need 1 other person.

And we cannot forget about RICH WONGS The Good The Bad The Ugly and the SO SO. This pertains to Competition Location, Seating, Pit Space, Car Parking, Food, etc… Any comments about any of those above listed can also be posted here that way we keep everything in one thread. When you reply to this thread. In the Title Bar (if its editable) use 1 of the following this way teams looking here know what your talking about !

A: The Good The Bad and The Ugly
B: Match Results / Awards
C: Team Social
D: Competition Comments

Ok! Thats it for now Hope to see this thread active by next thursday when the NYC FIRST! Regional unpacks its competitors. Till then you have this weeks regionals to watch. I hope you all have fun. Good Luck and can’t wait to see you guys at the NYC FIRST! Regionals

For any of the Teams that need help next thursday with their robots I will be walking around the pits lending a hand in getting your robot unpacked and rolling.

I have been told that there will be a Jazz Jam after Friday’s Award Ceremony. I know there are a few students from our team that plays in a local Jazz Band, and may want to join in. In fact they could be the only people playing, and I have no idea about it. Regardless, I am just wondering who else will be performing (a special appearance?) at this Team Social, and if there is anything else to expect (perhaps food?).

Cheerleading and STEPPING (it’s an urban thing) Demos!

Yes, the Jazz Jam is still on.
We’re still working on the special guest and food options.

Hey all,

   I wonder who the special guest could be??*ponders*

Ok I did some work on this little score keeper thingy and I have come up with this near simple design in MS Word

see attachment!!!

You like. When the matches change to the Elimitaion Rounds it will continue to have this format. and “Match#1 would be like Semi Final Match 1.1” Its simple easy to use and all you’ll need is a pen. Anyone willing to help let me know so I know how many copies to print up.

This will help FIRST in getting the results out to teams for at least this regional.

untitled.bmp (44 KB)

untitled.bmp (44 KB)

Is this the referee’s score tabulating sheet? If so, it looks good, although that would be an aweful lot of red and blue ink you would use up. Maybe if you color the borders of each box to their respective alliance, that may save you up on ink.

VERY IMPORTANT - NYC FIRST - Schedule Correction

We just noticed an error in the Public Agenda for the 2004 New York City FIRST Robotics Competition that is posted on the FIRST website –

Please note that on Thursday, March 25, the pits will open at 8:30am. The designated three team members who will be entering early to uncrate may enter the pit area starting at 7:45am.

We hope that this error does not cause your team difficulty. We apologize for the mistake.

We hope everyone has a great time and successful competiton. You are greatest. We really appreciate all that you do to make it possible for your students to be part of the FIRST celebration.

See you next week.


Randy Schaeffer, Co-director

To be honest i will have no choice but to lighten the colors up b/c it comes out too dark and the ink pen that i will use will not look to good upagainst the colors unless its a black pen. this isn’t the referees scoring sheet. FIRST has taken some time in putting up results from regionals and i would think it to be a good idea to at least get 1 out of the many (NYC regional) out of the way and post results here on delphi that way FIRST can at least take their time in posting results for this one.

To finalize this post I might use the idea in just having the borders colored rather then the interior of the box. i have at least another week to get it right plus its just a small side project so it won’t take long.

**edit:// SEE ATTACHMENT!!! In This post
A Copy of the Score / Ranking / Award Sheet will be uploaded to the White Papers for teams to use at the remaining regionals sometime tonite **

Instructions on the Score / Ranking / Award Sheet
Notes** This sheet may be used for personal team records or you may use this as a full record of the status of the regional. This file came to be since FIRST has been a lil slow with getting things running as far as regional updates is concerned.**

To Print this file in MS WORD
Click File > Print
In the Pages box type in 16,1

Scroll to the Pages per sheet and select 2 pages then scroll to the Scale to paper size and select Letter. Do this for all the sets of pages to achieve Book Format

**Each page set of pages must be printed seperately for Book View (e.g. Print 16,1 after that place the sheet corresponding to printer setup so that 2,15 may be printed on the reverse side correctly. Do this for each set all together you should have 4 pages. **

**You may change the NYC FIRST! Regional @ … to a the Regional you are attending. **

If you run out of the Match # boxes you may copy and paste from where the row Match# starts to where the last row ends (before the next Match# row begins.)

**If you run out of Rankings row just copy and past the row before and edit as necessary. **

This book may also be printed normally.

**Ok! One other comment. I know that many teams out there have alot of Team Spirit, and while attending the NYC Regionals I want to see that team spirit let loose. Maybe when the YMCA or Cha Cha Slide / Electric Slide or any other party dance song gets played we can put together a small group size of members consisting maybe 2 team members from each team to do the party dance moves to that song. It’s only a suggestion and need not to be done if you don’t want to. After these last few gloomy days of Snow / Rain maybe we can bring a strong ray of sunshine and excitment to the field and competition. **



Can anyone tell me w/ certainty if there is going to be a team social at the NYC Regionals or not? Still awaiting an answer from FIRST, and need to know immediately to arrange bus transportation for the team members.They have a social listed on the NYC regionals Agenda page.

NYC FIRST Team social is still on schedule for Friday evening.
Starting at 6pm cheerleading/Step team show (2 teams sign up) and Jazz Jam (2 teams sign up) afterward.

If your team wishes to participate, please contact the Event Coordinator/Regional Director Ana Martinez.

Two more days until Team PINK leaves to the Big Apple. Any word on the social, or are you guys going to leave it as a big surprise?

On schedule-

NYC FIRST Social for Friday Evening starting 6pm:

  1. Comedian/ MC
  2. Team Cheerleading/Step Teams
  3. Jazz Jam


Another update today (3/22/04)
Food will be allowed in the stands! The Regional Directors are paying extra to clean-up, so now teams can buy food from outside and eat in the stands.
But PLEASE, help us keep the place clean; use the garbage cans.

A menu of food places around the neighborhood will be available at the PIT Admin Table. Come by and ask for it!



I hear your announcer over there is going to ROCK!!!

But, I can not tell who it is yet. It’s a secret in our little CD community. :stuck_out_tongue:

no fair since you can’t come:( … oh well no reason to cry over a secret that will be exposed in lets say 2 days. I can hardly wait.

Edit:// too lazy to post or reply so I’ll edit instead. To post#14. Your more then welcome to come I’m just upset your team wasn’t able to get in.

A side subject:

Is any of the Teams out there finding the FRC Team Roster for 2004 in both HTML / MS WORD format useful. I would like some feed back this way I know in advance whether or not it should be updated for next year!

Changes I know of
A) I will be sticking to using HTML since it takes up less space then MS WORD
B) Content on it Shall be Limiting it to School Name and not School Name and Sponsor since this is the bulk of the text when it comes down to teams with like 25 sponsors. It will continue to have the web page links in a sepereate column. Team Numbers will of course be kept there.
C) The look of it will change. colors will be appropriately chosen so that Color ink isn’t wasted.

Who says I can’t come there, or won’t be there?

:frowning: i am one of the 3 people in my team who cant go (dont ask why please),
where will i be able to read updates and stuff?
i do not see a website on the first site for the regional.
Or will all results be posted here?
as i am in england, i can’t really afford to ring them once they get there…:ahh:

I’ll do my best to post as much status, winners and pictures I can upload at night on C.D. and on http://nycfirst.poly.edu.
(I have to top the NJ Regional stuff!.. just Raising the Bar…)

I’ll be more then happy to get as many pics and Regional stats to u as soon as i can.

thanks a lot people. I really which i had been able to go :frowning:

Awww I’m sorry you and the other ppl on your team can’t go. I wish that we where going to NYC too, but it’s cool with all the stuff there telling us that where gonna do in San Jose I’m sure will have a nice time. Is your team going to Nationals?