Weekly Wins 10-07-2022

Anything cool happen this week?

For me - had a crash on the X1 Carbon printer that broke my hot end - no that’s not the win. It was a nice easy fix.

I also got some really positive feedback at work.


Enjoying TwitchCon, caught up with some fellow FIRSTers picked up a lot of free swag giveaways!


new bins arrived for the organization of pneumatics, and I finally got around to sorting the pile of pneumatic cylinders. Still a lot of work to do, but it’s been going well so far!


Finally finished a huuuuge overhaul of work code, also got a new PC built to help me out with transcoding FIRST archive videos to a format that isn’t such a pain to store


Taking a step into more advanced data analytics using ZEBRA tags with some help from our software lead. Fun stuff!

I’m also going to a concert tomorrow with friends!


We have been investing time and effort in better documention for our training as well process refinement and I can already see that it’s paying off in big ways!

I’ve been reflecting on how so much of our program is built on the backs of others:

  • We’re using a modified version of 3847’s PowerPoint theme for our presentations
  • I’ve borrowed heavily from 3848 and 5414 when making my own presentations
  • The swerve drive we are developing was designed and manufactured by people from 2910
  • The swerve code we are using was developed by 364 and 4414, extra shout-outs to @jjsessa for lending us a helping hand helping with swerve code
  • The tube jig we use to machine our tube was designed by people from 1323, shout-outs to @dirtbikerxz on 364 helping to diagnose an issue with our CNC workflow
  • We’re redefining our Battery and Printed Pulley process thanks to JJ again
  • We’re currently machining a tread jig for SDS wheels designed by @Boomie
  • We’re designing a drive station inspired by 5406, and plan to use an external monitor for the driver camera recommended by 254

And that’s just the past few weeks. My point is that 3512’s program is so much stronger by being connected to the FRC community writ-large. Thanks to every team and every person actively posting and helping others. You are all rockstars.


It’s funny how much stronger communities can make efforts right? We’re all stronger together.


Reached a milestone at work this week, now to see if the customer accepts it.

And if all goes well, I’ll be back with more soon…


We visited our daughter and son-in-law last weekend. We went to the farmer’s market and then they treated us to lunch.


Soldered our cancoders, and we are rebuilding our practice robot for a offseason in a few weeks, along with a special surprise : )


4272 has been working since June to work on PCB design skills. We’ve been working on a custom mag encoder and Spark MAX breakout board to simplify the wiring on our swerve, and try to make a solution with more robust connectors. And…we finally demonstrated that it all worked on Thursday!!

It has been a goal of mine for 4272 to teach PCB design. We have a student who has gotten quite good at KIcad (and has 3 season left on the team). We have a mentor who is really excited to teach the kinds of stuff he does for a living. I’m excited to see where we go from here.

Custom MXP board is nearing completion, and we’ve been tossing around ideas on how to make a FRC specific Ethernet switch with POE on the ports.



Our school won the homecoming football game, and during the preceding festival, we had a super successful showcase that ran for about 3 hours! Tons of kids were driving the robot and shooting. Their reactions were the cutest thing ever!


Started a Snap! Raise fundraiser on Wednesday. Already have over $3k donated. 25 days remaining!

Took robot to local college’s Science Showtime event and got a lot of kids driving our robot around (with team 3309). And got new members participating in the demo. Managed to get at least 4 teachers from my HS to swing by with their kids.


Got a new laptop for the team.

Found this bucket full of thumbscrews

Hosted a Movie Night and made a profit of $1500.

Almost done fixing our robot, we think one of our falcons is broken, so we will probably open that up to see what’s wrong

  • Found a really nice park in walking distance of my apartment
  • Got a shoe/coat rack and a dresser - getting much closer to having my apartment the way I want it
  • Found a parent who wants to volunteer with the FTC team!

Our hard work over the past few months modifying the robot to prepare for the Israeli Off-Season is finally coming to fruition. The intake, conveyor, shooter, and vision systems are all newly designed, and with some tuning seem to be working well. Here’s a clip from our driver practice today:


We did a thing at work.


So you have a bucket and some stuff to put in it. Sounds like a game design desired by some other posters in the other thread.

We got an offseason chassis together to start swervy development. Due to some supply chain hurdles we have to resort to some less than preferred standins. Just don’t look too close and it’s all fine :smiley:


We’ve begun improving our team’s system for organizing tasks. Also, our MK4s are finally assembled, and the chassis should be ready shortly!