Weekly Wins 10-27-2023

Who is doing cool things? Any fun off season activities? New bots? Crazy designs? Or are you doing things outside of robots? Take any fun walks? Or eat some good food?

I had a mostly good week at work. Some frustrating things but got to solve some fun problems, and we’ve got a hackathon in 2 weeks and I think I’ve got a fun project and team lined up… and somehow despite being in FinTech it is somewhat related to FRC vision stuff.


On my first overnight trip with my team and got a hotel room/king sized bed all to myself!


It’s been a busy week, made it back home after a weekend out of town working on robots in a plant. I got to try out a new algorithm I’m working on and it’s paying off in better controls so far. I got to test that out the last few days when I’ve had the lab to myself.

Got my stitches removed and it looks good. It’ll be a nice scar still but no issues with removal. Still wearing a splint when working with my hand so I don’t open it up too soon.

Finally we had two alums and former students of mine come back to help coach this year. One was from my very first year as a teacher and the other was from one of my last years. They both were great with the students and I’ll never turn down extra help, especially people who understand FIRST and the right mindset needed.


Competing at Cow Town ThrowDown!



I was pleasantly surprised to see this in my CD notifications earlier today


Just finished setting up the field for the HHH offseason tomorrow. I’m excited to see how it plays out.

Submitted almost all of my College Applications for Early Action.


Used the team’s new horizontal bandsaw for the first time, cutting some parts for the FTC teams.


First time we used ours was for the same thing. It’s like night and day with extrusion and bar stock

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We’ve used the school’s for a long time, but the blade doesn’t come down quite vertically and the angle gauge is very worn and hard to read, so a new saw is so nice.


Update on this, our team ended up alliance captains and won two playoff matches, including one against the first seed alliance! We also took the most awesome team photo of all time.


Took the robot for one last ride this year. Had quite a bit of fun while doing so.


won the Cow Town ThrowDown for the first time in our team’s history while i drove my first competition!


Congrats to you guys. You did great!

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We have a swerve drive chassis! (Wiring is a WIP)


That label on the battery is another win :smile:

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9153 Got themselves a set of REV MAXSwerve modules so we have been assembling those.

I have signed a 2yr rent to own lease (2yrs renting where part of rent goes to down payment, after-which I finance it, hopefully after interest rates fall a bit and I have a bit more credit history) and have until Dec. 1 to finish moving in so doing a bunch of improvements up-front while it is empty. So probably gonna be updating the Weekly Wins with those updates as we do them!

Painted my future home-office

Ripped out this half-paneling in the master bedroom. Going to paint it white then the same purple as the office since the current paint is so dark.

Replaced the carport storm door that was in really rough shape

Began replacing all the receptacles and light switches. Was just going to do some that were cracked or otherwise having issues, but I’ve found several with safety issues like one string of outlets not grounded because a crimp had failed early in the chain. (and yes, I did notice I hadn’t stripped enough insulation on those two j-hooks at the far right and did fix that before installing the new switches, as well as put some black electrical tape on the white wires to denote they were actually hot being used in a switch leg instead of neutral)

Replaced the Mailbox!


Need i say more. Great end to our season


thank you! 1986 looked really good, that # 1 rank was well deserved.


This week we had a new person start at work, and the frame for the winter garden at my new house got put up as well as the internal demolition finished, and we got to talk about how to do the kitchen.

Also I was able to catch a shot off the bridge without getting any cars stuck in it while riding Metrobüs home yesterday and that was pretty nice.

I also took a shot through a bus which I really like:


Congrats, you guys were great!

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