Hey sorry a bit late today, with the holiday I totally forgot yesterday was Friday so you get it a day late.
What wins do you have this week? I know for a lot of the US Thursday was a holiday so hopefully everyone saw family if they wanted to.
My big win is it’s a nice 4 day weekend for me. I’ve been running on fumes for a few weeks after an EU effort I was supporting and just never had the time to catch up.
The group working on a prototype ball transport mechanism was getting stuck on the best way to work around the existing structures in their prototyping chassis. I had the three team members each sketch out different scenarios, belt on the bottom, belt on one side and belt on top. After discussing the possible pros and cons of each approach, they settled on the belt on one side since it could carry the ball to under the shooter (unlike the belt on top) and the parts like the motor and gearbox did not interfere with existing mechanisms. In the past, they had been using more of a “build now, design later” methodology.
I got the smoker out for Turkey Day and did some thighs and drumsticks. I also smoked some Cheez Its and Triscuits for snacks since some friends have become addicted to them.
It gives them a smoky flavour. They were the “original” type. I have tried the low-fat type, store brand imitations and Goldfish crackers and none of them worked as well. You probably already know not to put water in the pan. The moisture makes them soggy. I run the smoker at 225F which crisps them up nicely. I am also using an external smoke generator from Master built. The heating element in it is constantly on so it is constantly generating smoke. The heating from the sun and the high ambient temperature in the summer makes the heating element in the smoker run for so little time that none of the wood chips were getting burned. The external smoke generator is connected to the smoker with a 6 or 8ft piece of aluminum flexible duct that happens to match the inlet port of the smoker and outlet port of the smoke generator. The duct is supposed to cool the smoke and cause some of the stuff like creosote to condense out of the smoke.
Like @philso, I fired up my smoker (charcoal, barrel with side mount fire box) for the first time since it fell off the trailer on US-190 a few months ago and I dragged it off the highway. A few taps of the hammer got it back to functionality if not total symmetry. The results were great! A roughly 18# turkey, a roughly 12# pork shoulder, a roughly 1.5# salmon fillet, and a dozen oysters, all quite smoky and cooked but still juicy. I also made stocks with the turkey and pork bones for future meals.
While it was actually last week, I was tasked to prepare and present briefs to customers at an annual meeting for the first time in about ten years, on rather short notice (two days, or about 6 hours prep time after doing my day jobs as my branch’s tech lead and production manager and, for those days, acting supervisor). Based on the level of engagement, I knocked it out of the park. I suspect that I’ll have to turn over a few bits of follow up over when I retire (~2 years if the market bounces back and there isn’t anything I’m not ready to turn over).
This week I’m heading back to Seattle for a couple weeks to participate in a gingerbread house contest my sister set up, and one of my best friends’ wedding Also I’ll do a day of FLL judging while I’m back I’m excited for that. FLL judging is a lot of fun. I used to judge at the State Tournament in Illinois, I did it once at the Izmir Open International, now I get to do it once back in my home town at the high school I graduated from