The fact that you got me a present still boggles my mind. Kid you constantly surprise me
Well yeah. You want the bugs to be “fixed” so they don’t reproduce.
Like I keep telling you- always expect the unexpected
The error is DIFFERENT!!!
Extra win this week, my older sister dyed my hair! It was due for new colors and I really liked how it turned out
But then of course I had to fend off my cat from jumping in the bathtub while we were rinsing out my hair. As funny as it would be I don’t want my cat turning purple and blue
I won.
I got married on Monday! Also personally feel I outdid myself with my Mac & Cheese for Thanksgiving this year!
Both huge wins!!!
jschlatt released a very 1999 christmas and I don’t think i’m gonna be listening to anything else this christmas season
I made it to TSO and back in one piece, and one heck of a good show!
Better be worth it. Just saying.
J/k - hope to have time to talk with you at Jumpstart!
Congrats! May your marriage be a happy marriage.
Why is that second sentence 3 times longer than the first? Didn’t you outdo yourself by getting married? Just wondering.
But it was really really good Mac and Cheese (I’m assuming)… I think the new Spouse will understand
Haven’t posted a while, so I’ll stick to the most important wins from past weeks. I got a 1370 on the SAT. My application to the National Honor Society was accepted. I think those two are the most important ones.
Another possible robotics person + swim coach combo! Yay! If you get that job, it’ll be the most fulfilling, wild job you’ll ever work. As a heads up - take time to figure out how you want people to know you and how you want to teach.
Ok little spiel done! When I saw that you mentioned swimming as a possibly job I got excited (I’m a kids swim instructor).
That was one of my wins last year!
Everytime it is a fantastic show, but I also really enjoy watching the light/pyro show, video panels, moving equipment and imagining how it all works/is programmed while I listen to the music. The amount of motors used by that whole production is insane.
Highly recommend it for anyone who has never seen them before.
As an amateur volunteer stage lighting guy–I know my limits, and if I ever got a chance to get a tour of that setup and pick their brains I’d be all over it. I was sitting a bit elevated, audience right, where I could see their tech crew. That’s a 6-person MINIMUM booth. And none of them looked particularly busy, which is a good thing. (Pre-programming is a MUST for that sort of show.)
Also as that sort of person, I pretty much literally can’t focus solely on a performance anymore–I’m always looking for stage and tech crew and what they’re doing and/or how.
No, no, not quite that. Straight to ludicrous!
The setup I use is dwarfed by one–ONE–stage panel, say the far right wing. They’ve got as many lights in two panels as I do total, and more motors. Then again, the use cases are vastly different, so I’m OK with that.
We hosted our first ever FLL tournament this weekend! We hosted the Ottawa Valley Qualifying tournament and it turned out better than anybody expected (despite having to borrow pieces last minute from the local team because we got a wrecked piece). It went phenomenally smooth and I can’t wait to run it back next year!
I did much better on the calculus midterm than I thought I would (see my post last week on this topic). Now I’m just gearing up for my finals. 20 hours per exam * 4 exams will be a lot, but hopefully, I will do well. Thankfully, I only have to get a 67 on one of them to get an A. Juggling that and a lot of homework won’t be fun, but I’ll make it through.
On an FRC note, @bigbossg13 and I got @ctxy256 on our Fantasy FIRST team. Gearing up for a new year of drafting will be fun (except for all the FIM), and I’m hoping we do better this year.
Everyone in school remember, gotta make it through 2-3 more weeks. You all got this!