Can you believe it? We crowned a champion! Congrats. Obviously they have some big time wins but does anyone else have some great wins to share with us?
My win is entirely unrelated to robots - this week my org at work all got together in Oakland. Many of us had never met each other (remote first company) and so that was a lot of fun. And the catering was all from local folks so had some excellent Oakland food. Did I ask a TSA agent not to set my bag on my jacket going through security because “hey dude, there’s a burrito in my jacket pocket, please don’t crush my lunch” yes… yes I did.
After 2 years in a leadership position on my team I leave 2102 with a competent new engineering team. And with that, I’ve finished up my tenure as a student, a sad win, but I’ll still count it as one to have a milestone under my belt.
Eternal thanks to this forum. I would not know half as much about processes, mindsets, or mechanisms without the conversations on here. Even as a lurker more than anything, its been a happy internet home to read. Thanks FIRST people, you’re pretty cool.
I headed to Florida after champs, and a friend from Türkiye came to join me at my parents’ condo, went up to see the Kennedy Space Center, cooked a fun dinner (butter chicken and samosa from scratch) for one of my work-friends who I don’t get to see too often due to living thousands of miles away. It’s been a pleasant, calm week.
Survived another year of “official” robotics. Did seven events. Got an award for my troubles. Made it home alive with either a failing ball joint or wheel bearing.