April 3, 2017, 5:01pm
*I was thinking there may be students who would like to explore score data but don’t yet have the expertise to download from TBA into a spreadsheet.
So here’s all the raw score data for weeks 1 thru 5 in one large sheet .
You can do things like sorting to find the highest scores in the various columns etc.
You can create new columns with sums or logic and sort on that.
Or you can export selected columns from the spreadsheet into a data file to do some number crunching.
If this is useful I’ll update it each week. Let me know.
I’m sure others find this useful. The CSV files you posted last year were part of what got me more interested in statistics for FRC. Just by cutting out some of the overhead for entry into this realm really paved the way for me to learn a ton.
April 4, 2017, 3:12pm
I just uploaded an index identifying the columns by their Excel column label (“A” thru “CA”). It might come in handy to print it out for quick reference while working with the spreadsheet.
April 8, 2017, 5:50pm
558 views and 156 downloads.
I suppose that’s enough interest to justify updating this late Monday.
April 8, 2017, 11:04pm
While we’re waiting for NYNY and ONHAM to finish, here’s the raw data for all the other Week6 events .
Once NYNY and ONHAM have completed, I’ll merge all of week6 with weeks 1 thru 5 and post late Sunday or early Monday.
April 9, 2017, 6:41pm
Here it is . All the raw scoring data for every match in every 2017 event week1 thru week6, all in one sheet.
April 11, 2017, 11:15am
Here are some examples of the kind of statistics you can easily extract from the spreadsheet.
Top combined alliance scores?
Populate Column CB with the sum of columns BT and BX, then sort on column CB in descending order:
Top 20 combined final score
Match Blue Red Blue+Red
2017necmp_qf1m1 470 515 985
2017necmp_qf2m2 460 515 975
2017iscmp_sf2m1 445 527 972
2017necmp_sf1m2 466 506 972
2017nvlv_sf1m1 456 508 964
2017njski_sf1m1 496 465 961
2017necmp_qf4m2 457 484 941
2017necmp_qf1m2 420 517 937
2017pncmp_f1m1 484 450 934
2017onham_sf1m2 420 508 928
2017iscmp_sf1m3 445 478 923
2017pncmp_f1m2 471 452 923
2017necmp_sf1m1 472 446 918
2017chcmp_sf2m1 470 445 915
2017mrcmp_qf1m2 445 468 913
2017mrcmp_qf3m1 452 460 912
2017nvlv_qf3m1 425 482 907
2017necmp_qf4m3 450 457 907
2017mrcmp_f1m2 460 446 906
2017incmp_qf3m2 453 453 906
Top alliance score?
Populate Column CB with the larger of column BT or BX, then sort on column CB in descending order:
Match Blue Red =IF(BT1>BX1,BT1,BX1)
2017nyli_qm16 190 555 555
2017cair_qf4m2 269 545 545
2017iscmp_sf2m1 445 527 527
2017casj_f1m2 285 522 522
2017cthar_sf1m1 185 522 522
2017necmp_qf1m2 420 517 517
2017nvlv_qf3m2 205 516 516
2017necmp_qf1m1 470 515 515
2017necmp_qf2m2 460 515 515
2017ncash_qm1 515 150 515
2017nvlv_sf2m1 258 514 514
2017onham_qf1m1 255 513 513
2017necmp_f1m1 364 511 511
2017necmp_f1m2 342 510 510
2017onham_qf1m2 256 510 510
2017casj_sf1m1 310 509 509
2017nvlv_sf1m1 456 508 508
2017onham_sf1m2 420 508 508
2017casj_qf1m2 285 507 507
2017necmp_sf1m2 466 506 506
2017casj_f1m1 200 506 506
2017ilpe_qf1m2 255 506 506
April 11, 2017, 2:02pm
**Hat tip to Richard Wallace: In the header definition file, columns F and I are swapped. Also columns AN and AQ.
Here’s a corrected Column Headers Definition File.**
April 12, 2017, 12:38pm
That download has been superseded by the weeks1thru6 spreadsheet. Link available in this thread .