going up hill on the ramp, where should most of the weight be (front or back of the robot)? and what are the advantages and disadvantages?
The optimal weight distribution (placment) for this game would be low and and close to center on the robot as possible. You do say going up the ramp (which would require a more forward weight) but since this game would requuire going up and down the ramp in different situations, one would want a balance of the two… which is centered and low to the ground.
Although going down the hill, you won’t need as much power because gravity is also helping pull you down. I like the fact that the weight should be low though, but as for the center, there is a little bit of leeway you can play with.
Low and centre is the basic rule for weight distrib…
But, you also want to have weight over your drive wheels (if you only have 2) so they will skip less. Of course if you have 4wd, then low and middle holds true.
But, keep in mind that the “middle” is an average of all the weight on the bot. Like if you have something hanging off the front of the bot, you might want to mave everything back slightly in the bot, so that the average of the 2 weights is the middle.