Hi folks-
We seem to have an intermittent problem with our wireless connection.
We were happy to get our PC, the wireless router, the bridge, and the cRio all together, and even the camera. All happy, two days ago.
When testing out our rig in the wireless mode, the team complained wireless wasn’t working anymore. They worked in tethered mode, and were able to do some testing.
I came in, tested the connections, and things were OK… for a while.
Doing some ping tests, it seemed…
Ping 10.x.y.10 (laptop) OK
Ping 10.x.y.4 (wireless router) OK (of course, we are wired to it); setup with our team number as SSID
Ping 10.x.y.1 (wireless bridge) - on and off;
Ping 10.x.y.2 (robot) hardly ever - (but it can be ping’d intermittently when Mercury is retrograde, or somethin’)
Obviously, if I connect the bridge directly to the PC, I can see it. Can the school wireless network be causing problems?
I saw a reference to a gaming adapter mode on the WGA600N, with a web timeout of “15”. Any other thoughts?
Just before I sent this message, I rebooted the wireless router and bridge, and I seem to get communication all the way to the robot. But I had done this in the past, thinking this solved the problem.
I’m just worried that we might hit this wall again…