I guess pneumatics will do plenty of job. Somebody here said that it will be a fire season. He’s right.
In my opinion, this season’s system requires high elevators or telescopic arm systems, especially for place corals to reefs. This brings some problems for pneumatics. Pneumatics is a heavy system for the robot and the weight limit has been reduced by 4 kg (spending weight on pneumatics has become quite illogical) and it can only work with values of 1 and 0. However, this year, the L2, L3, L4 rods are all at different angles. In other words, it may be necessary to angle the arms and grippers. I also think that it is difficult and risky to place pneumatic pipes, valves and pistons healthily in elevator systems that will open up to 2 meters. As a team, we have completely disregarded pneumatics this year.
I think it is too heavy and it wastes the battery.