What are poeople doing for deployment systems

We have been searching for the right design for our minni bot deploymeny systems. I have searched the forums but havn’t found anything sufficient.

Search “deployment mechanism”. You could also add “Standardization” to that if you wanted to.

That should get you started.

We were thinking of using CO2 rockets to deploy our minibot.

If that wasn’t sarcasm, and you have not changed your design, I would highly suggest reading <R01>, <R02>, <R92>, and <G19>.

Starting to look like some crazy offspring of our ball hurdling mechanism from overdrive.

A spring loaded, bat type object that is more or less a really awesome lever, hits the minibot pole, while the minibot slides down the lever and gears up for launch.

spring loaded tray. the tray has the minibot in it, and upon the release of a servo, it launches foward increadably quickly to put the minibot on a pole.