We’ve went over the code, looked a bit at the functions and other macro stuff.
But we don’t have a clue what’s going on there!:ahh:
What’s with the PWMs?
Where’s the parts with the engines moving?
What are we supposed to write?(as in, in the intilazation, what happens there, the autonomus, what do we use; in the free part, what needs to be modeled…
(sorry, just totally desprate trying to understand what we need to do while we’re being shouted at from every direction, being asked to start writing while we have no clue what to do).
If youre totally lost and havent programmed before, I’d suggest that you use the easyC, personally its not my favorite but it is easy to get started… you can find it in your KOP.
The 'pwm’s are pulse width modulators, in effect they control the speed of motors. If you want more detailed explanation I’ll be happy to give you one. From the programming interface the pwm drives are insanely easy to use, just remember that 127 is neutral, 254 is full forward, and 0 is full reverse. Everywhere in between is variable power output on the motors in forward and reverse directions.
hopefully that answers a few questions, if you have more, i’ll be happy to answer them.
Yes, I know about the PWM numbers of forward and backwards and I’m expirienced with C(even with Visual c++), but what am I supposed to do now? You say the drive system is easy, but I don’t understand what am I supposed to look at that it shows that it’s easy!
I’ve asked someone from another team in my country and from what I understood, he said that it is all written there.
But I don’t see it! I only see that they put the values of p1_y(which is what?!?!) to pwm01 and all kind of other stuff, but I don’t see anything with number values(mabye except with the leds). Is that where I’m supposed to write the engines part??
If your using MPLAB and you find yourself blown away, dazed and confused, I would heed the EASY-C recommendation. There are several Easy-C totorials included in the software and online.
If you are at all confused by anything in easyC, simply press F1 on the keyboard and go to the help file. Similarly, there is a button on every block that will bring you directly to the help page about that block. Intelitek spent literally months writing the help file. It is extremely detailed about every function included in easyC Pro.
We already went through the presentation of the C and it didn’t give us the real help. It told us where to go but not specifically what to do(yes, write your autonoms code. But what values, varibles, functions etc. are we supposed to use in it?).
What really helped was the the RC reference guide, thx!
Remember that this program actually runs in a HUGE loop. In other words, the program runs through lots of times per second. Program will check the status of the Operator Interface and will adjust the values of the PWMs accordingly. This is how the robot is able to have variable speeds.
As for the PWMs, looks in user_routines.c and look around for the “pwm=xx;” where xx is a number or perhaps another variable like the value of the joysticks.
The default code provided by FIRST controls the Kitbot rather nicely. If hooked up correctly, the Kitbot can move with either 1 joystick or 2.
The following explaination is based off of the code we used 2 years ago. I’m sorry if I get some things wrong and if I do, please correct me. It has been 2 years since I was a programmer.
void User_Initialization (void)
this is where you initialize the ports on the RC. In other words, you are setting those pins on the Robot Controller to do something, like be an output(gives out power) or input(receives a signal for a sensor).
void Default_Routine(void)
this is where the controls are at. Remember how I said that the program runs in a HUGE loop? Well this is part of that loop. This function looks at all the values of the Operator Interface (like the joystick values) and through some “if” and “else” statements, it can control the motor’s speed.
Like Qbranch said, easyC is a good introduction to C programming. I think it is setup so there is an “operator control” section and “autonomous” section so it well orgranized.
There is a function in user_routines.c called Default_Routine(). This is basically your playground, this function runs about 38 times a second (26.2 milliseconds) and you put all your logic in here. Your OI data (joystick values, buttons pushed) is all available in aptly named variables (p1_y, p2_x, p2_sw_trig, etc) that you can check with if statements. For example to make the trigger on the joystick connected to Port 1 drive the robot forward and your motors are on pwm01 and pwm02 you might try this:
// in Default_Routine()
if(p1_sw_trig) // If the trigger is pushed
pwm01 = 255; // Left motor full speed forward
pwm02 = 0; // Right motor full reverse since it's likely facing the opposite direction
else // Trigger is not pushed
pwm01 = 127; // Motor stopped;
pwm02 = 127; // Motor stopped;
Note this is not a recommend way to drive, you’re better off mapping the pwm outputs to the joystick inputs like this:
pwm01 = p1_y;
That should be enough for you to get started, it’s all just basic logic.
Good luck!
Ok, so I read about the joystick movment thing.
Do we need to build that code of if’s? Do we need to make these macros to check the joystick axis status?
Actually, can’t you make something that will simulate the master controllers used at FIRST? You can connect some switches to that ‘competition’ port on the top and run either autonomous or disable the robot. Not really sure what pins but it can be done.
The team number isnt set in the code, its setting in binary using the dipswitches…
Also, just try to get a copy of someones code (i would upload mine but i dont have it with me) and just look through it and try to learn it. Before last year I didnt have a clue what a #define statement was, i just read over the code from previous years over and over again and read all the programming papers on ifirobotics.com… now i knew the controller inside and out…
Every loop the controller updates the values in the P*_* variables, including axes and buttons. All you have to do is use logic on the values and set your pwm** variables.
The Default code is a real mess in my opinion. It is a mix-mash of a bunch of legacy stuff from the early years of FIRST and a bunch of patches and band -aids applied to add new features and functions.
Here is the basic idea:
Inputs from the Operator Interface (OI) come from 4 ports – they themselves are legacy 15 pin game ports from the early days of the IBM PC. Each port has switches and analog inputs.
The switches are defined this way: pNswSWITCHNAME where N refers to the port number and ***SWITCHNAME ***refers to “top”, “trig”, “aux1” and “aux2” Depending on what brand joystick you use these switches will be available out of the box or not – if not, and you need those switches, you will have to build a custom harness to get access to the switches. The default code has structures and aliases defined for you that allow you to treat these switches as either 1 or 0’s
The analog inputs are defined this way:
pN_**ANALOGNAME **where N refers to the port number and ***ANALOGNAME
***Refer to “X” “Y” “WHEEL” and “AUX” Again depending on what brand joystick you use these analog inputs will be available out of the box or not – if not, and you need those inputs, you will have to build a custom harness to get access to the analog inputs (wiring in your own potentiometer for example). The default code has structures and aliases defined for you that allow you to treat these analog inputs as either a number between 0 and 255 – with 127 being the nominal center position of the joystick.
You have similar naming conventions for inputs on the Robot Controller’s analog and digital inputs.
The outputs on the RC are basically the PWM values 0-254 and relays (which are of the form rc_dig_outNN).
In order to control a motor, you just assign the PWM output to a value 0 = full rev, 127 = off, 254= full fwd. The default code simply maps joystick values from the OI to PWM outputs on the RC. It also has some example methods of mapping limit switches to particular PWM output so that the motor will turn off when an end of travel switch is made. If you know C and you know how to access the various inputs and outputs, you should be able to write code to let your robot do what ever you need it to do.