Okay, we are better than a week in and I am guessing that most teams have a pretty good idea what they are trying to accomplish… So, if all goes to plan, what sort of autonomous routine will you likely be sporting as your “go-to” routine?
Our goal with the robot in general was to overcome all defenses aside from the low bar, while also being able to shoot high goals.
This will allow us a lot of freedom during Autonomous mode. We plan to traverse either the defense in slot 3 or slot 4, then shoot a high goal.
I rather suspect that we’ll be using sensors to collect data about our environment, then discarding that and driving straight into the nearest Defense or Shield, whichever is handiest.
I prefer the guardrail. It’s more exciting for the audience and/or referees.
Risk of being disabled if you extend out and hit something, though.
We plan to have at the minimum an auto that will score in the high goal from the spybot position for our week one event, but at the same time be midway developing our autonomous that can cross and score for our week 3 event (hopefully).
So, because it isn’t possible to select multiple choices, I’ll go with “none of the above”
I didn’t see an option to vote for “Get beached on the nearest defense, then fling a ball aimlessly.”
Current plan: Cross either category A defense (Cheval de Fries or Portcullis) or low bar
Reality: Spin around in a circle? Run backward into the other alliance’s robots? Do a sick jump off of the rampy defenses and/or over the guardrail? Honestly, who knows?
Current plan: Cross either category A defense (Cheval de Fries or Portcullis) or low bar
Reality: Spin around in a circle? Run backward into the other alliance’s robots? Do a sick jump off of the rampy defenses and/or over the guardrail? Honestly, who knows?
How do you plan on crossing the chill de fries?
For the question my team plans on a 20 pt. autonomous to cross any defense and aim and shoot into the high goal. Then opening either the sally port or the drawbridge at the end of the autonomous period.
Programmer for 2557.
my team is planning that we change it on the dashboard prior to the match to change it based on our alignment.
We plan to drive up roughly centered on the plank to the right as the robot views it, then lower our ball pickup, which has a portion that goes essentially to the floor. Then we’ll just drive over the adjacent planks. Probabaly not necessary, but we will have a skid plate between our inner plates (highly modified KoP 2015 chassis).
Our current plans involve the robot traversing a defense, and then using sensors and vision tracking to score high. I might suggest the additional pathing back towards the defenses or over them to prepare to continue our assault of the defenses once auto ends.
I accidentally read this as…
Chili Fries.
I think we have this year’s food reference.
I legit read it the same way.
Prediction: More than half the balls in the center of the field will be scored in autonomous on Einstein. It’d be cool to see robots use vision to adapt to which balls remain.
Wow 30% of teams think they can do all defence and score high?? Maybe 30% on Einstein. We would like to do category B,D and low bar and get in a spot to shoot when tel starts
Crossing any defense and scoring high? That’s ambitious. Teams had a hard enough time scoring in auton in 2012, when they had at least two attempts to do it and didn’t even have to move. Teams will find themselves in unpredictable positions after crossing defenses and missing shots regularly. I expect only the very best auton teams (987, 254 tier teams) will even possibly be able to cross barriers like Rough Terrain and still make a shot.
Crossing a specific defense and scoring high is also ambitious, but a lot more doable (if that defense is called the Low Bar).
I expect several events will have no robots capable of both crossing and scoring high in auton.
Man coordinating Auto this year so worlds don’t collide ought to be fun…
We are going to cross a defense (probably something easy like the cheval de frize/ramparts/rock wall/moat) and then using our vision code shoot a high goal. If we still have time after this we would like to cross back over into the neutral zone
Drat! You stole our strategy!
Or drive at full speed into the robot of a local powerhouse team. One that every team at the tournament hopes to get picked by.
Triple Tortuga in Auto aught to be worth more than a $10 gift card.
This would be our second opportunity to drive into the robot of a local powerhouse team.