What are your favorite books about robots?

Trying to come up with a list of books about robots. What are your favorites? fiction/non-fiction/kids/adults? Include the author & publisher if you know it. Thanks!

If you want a classic (Like really old classic) look into Isaac Asimov. His whole robot series is pretty good. A book I would recommend is Bicentennial Man. It was also made into a movie, if you are interested.

Asimov’s robot series: which one? I’ve only read the Norby series (preteen/teen), which is pretty good. I know there’s another series–it’s in the family bookshelf–but haven’t read it.

And then there’s the Behind the Design books (2006/2007, Rockport Publishing), which look at FRC robot designs.

We’ll see how New Cool is when it comes out in March, but reviews are good so far.

my favorite is definitely Foundation and Earth by Isaac Asimov, although the robots don’t show up until near the end, they are still a major part to the story.

In the non-fiction category, I’ve been working my way through Probabilistic Robotics; Thrun, Burgard, Fox/MIT Press. It’s pretty dense stuff, and a background in probability is suggested (although a brief overview is included in the initial chapters), but the algorithms presented are definitely interesting.



I, Robot by Asimov. When I graduated from high school and the robotics team, one of my mentors gave me this book, knowing that I’m a big reader. Over the past 8 years I have read it probably 10 times and never get bored of it.

Also, Speaker for the Dead, from the Ender’s series, by Orson Scott Card…I am fascinated by Jane, the computer character.

Probably my favorite book series of all time. I have read every Enderverse book out there right now, including the Shadow series and the tiny spinoffs like the christmas one. Can’t wait until Shadows in Flight is published.

Mechanics of Robotic Manipulation
Matthew T. Mason
© 2001 MIT Press, Cambridge MA


I Robot is the start of the series. Great series ending with Foundation and Earth. Asimov is great whether reading the Robot series or his non-fiction.

Code Name Ginger: The Story Behind Segway and Dean Kamen’s Quest to Invent a New World
segways are robots to me

The first book anyone interested in making moving metal doodads should acquire is Machinery’s Handbook – you are chumpatizing yourself without it. Probably half of the [actual] questions asked on this forum are answered within. Wait for a coupon from your local big box book store (they’re >$50), or get an old one off ebay; they haven’t change any useful mechanical standard for 50 years, so used is fine.