What camera do you use?

Just a little curious here, what cameras are teams using on their robot for sight on the field? Even better question, what cameras have you had success with?

Last year’s robot had 4 cameras. Two for vision tracking, two for drivers. The vision cameras were Raspberry Pi Cams (which I think is the same camera that the Limelight uses). Driver cams were simple Logitech Lifecams.

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We’ve been using this camera for the last couple of years for driver vision for its 120 degree FOV. The only downside to it IMO is that it’s a lot bigger than the camera we previously used (Microsoft LifeCam 3000). We started using it after in 2017 we had to put two cameras side by side to get a large FOV for the driver and we wanted to use only one camera (takes a little less space, one less USB port on the RIO and less data to send over to the DS).

For image processing we’ve been trying several cameras over the years, but the one we used the most is the aforementioned LifeCam, which has been a pain to setup using OpenCV VideoCapture properties (for stuff like exposure). We’ve been dabbling with smartphone based vision this year, although we won’t do it again since its setup is even more complicated than the one of the LifeCam. We’re looking into using a RasPi Camera like Bordom mentioned and it looks very promising.

Raspberry Pi camera module with an aftermarket fisheye lens, streaming H.264. (Shameless plug :P)

We use the Microsoft LifeCam for driver vision, and I think that it is the LifeCam HD-3000. For our vision processing we use a Raspberry Pi camera.

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We use the Logitech C930e. It has good picture and a 100 degree (diagonal) field of view, which is better than many. Make sure to run it in one of the wide-screen modes (eg 424x240), otherwise it just crops the sides.

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