What can your team do in autonomous?
We have three 100% reliable.
- Caps and knoks at the same time
- Knocks down
- Caps the center goal on the back row, starting in the center
Knock hanging tet
Drive to nearest loading zone
Knock down hanging tet
Catch hanging tet(mostly knock down)
drive out to play defense
drive out to auto loader
load from auto loader
Currently, we have one that is untested (we had no time left at our last regional) that is supposed to put a tetra on the center goal when it starts with it. And we have one that is tested that knocks down the hanging tetra and moves toward the human loading station. It is not extremely consistent due to the fact that whenever we change anything, someone knocks the sensor so we get a different reading on where the arm is every time.:ahh:
That is unless of course Mr McLeod changed anything since the Philly regional
We can cap a goal with a starting tetra from any starting position, and knock down the hanging one if it is a side goal. It is done all with the arm and potentiometers for feedback. There is no driving of the base. It is the same code for any starting position, the only difference is in how you set up the robot. At the LA regional, we were 10 out of 11 with the code.
well we normally like to start out with the tetra and cap it normally on a side goal soo the hanger knocks off as well but the same program caps all three goals and the only other one weve used is driving to the hp load zone ( only cuz 365 has and awsome auto sooo we let them have the tetra)
At MWR, we reliably knocked down the hanging tet, went to the auto load station and picked up a tetra. Unfortunately, time would run out after we picked it up.
We’re hoping to make our knock down more efficient for the Championship Event. Also, we believe we can add in options to allow us to grab the tetra from the auto load station and score it without knocking down - though this one will need some testing, etc.
cap in auto too. It doesn’t work 100% but most of the time it does.
we can cap any of our home goals starting with the tetra. of course it knocks down the hanger when we cap a side…
We detach the hanging tetra on the left-side goal - it worked every time we used the final code at Chesapeake. We ought to be able to detach it on the right-side goal as well, but we never got a chance to test that code.
33 starts with a tetra, caps the center goal, then turns and knocks down the hanging tetra.
We start with a tetra and cap the side goal and in the process knock down the hanging tetra. We also can just knock the tetra down.
There is lots of information on teams’ autonomous modes in this thread as well.
Team 27’s autons. We have an auton kiosk, that can store 24 programs (12 red, 12 blue). it is on oue robot, and before each match while on the field we enter which one we will be using. all of the listed autons work on blue and red.
knock down right side hanging tetra
knock down leftside hanging tetra
cap left goal with starting tetra
cap right goal with starting tetra
cap center goal with starting tetra
cap center goal with starting terta and knock left hanging down
cap center goal with starting terta and knock right hanging down
go to auto loader, grab tetra, cap right goal (also knocks down hanging)
go to auto loader, grab tetra, cap left goal (also knocks down hanging)
kudos to Jason, our programmer. (recognized by two teams, 494 and 33, for havign the best auton mode(s))
And they do it VERY well!! At WMR I was truly impressed with how accurate their robot was considering the amount of movement to accomplish the tasks. I assume the Bees were using dead reckoning to perform in autonomous.
As for team 93, we do the following: (all using dead reckoning)
- Raise our arma and swing to knock down the hanging tetra (either side depending on what our alliance partners want)
- Extend our mast
- Move out to either the auto loader or human player zone
- Position to grab tetra at the start of human control
We may be adding more functionality at the championship event. Continuous improvement never hurt anybody!
We cap the vision
I saw the video and thats awsome. How does it look for the goal? vision or cordinates? and has it done it in the center?
Hasn’t done the center… yet.
It uses the vision system.
401 starts facing backwards, but with the tetra resting toward the middle on the electronics board cover. We raise the elevator, and then execute a spin to cap either goal and thus knock down a hanging tetra. I think we’re 12/14. Once we set it on “camera” (which we don’t have), and the turret spazzed out. The other time we simply missed.
At the SVR and SoCal regionals, we knocked down a hanging tetra and capped the center goal in our home row fairly consistently.
At the Nationals, we plan to cap TWO goals in our home row.
This movie shows our practice robot performing the feat:
(Dominic gets distracted by his cell phone at the wrong time - Andy yells “Disable, Disable!”)
See ya’ in Atlanta!!