What did you get done on kickoff?

The title of this thread pretty much says it all… What did you get done on kickoff?

Did you strategize?
Build a robot?
Plot a hostile takeover?

Today we talked rules, strategized and decided we wanted to be offensive and focus on scoring balls. We also build the entire hoops assembly with 4 baskets

We just introduced each other and talked about the rules and any questions on it. Tomorrow, we will go over strategies and our priorities. So WHAT we will do, not how.

We started planning sessions and tomorrow we will get to the strategy.

We got general strategy down, mostly what the robot will do, what it will look like is another story. But we have some idea on the drive system.

Other than that, we ate food, I took a nap, then went home.

We (I) Have spent the past 14 hours trying to get WindRiver and the new Software operating correctly. The team itself talked amongst other teams at kickoff and debated what team setups and strategies would be the best this year in a match, as some are bound to specialize (defensive blocker, rebounder, etc.).

We separated into three teams, Team C responsible for the general frame design and bumpers. Team B responsible for designing and implementing how all of the motors, electrical systems and any pneumatics we chose are put onto the robot and finally Team A worked on a game piece manipulator design.

Team A decided on a very nice cannon design which I really like and we are meeting Monday next to discuss size requirements and material requirements. Then we pass the information down and start building from there. I can’t wait!

We did a lot of talking and thinking.
As well as

After teh game reveal the team met in one of the lower meeting rooms at Theater on the Ridge where the kickoff in Rochester was held and discussed how the game is played so we can meet today and have each sub team (even the PAW team which never participates in the actual building of the robot) come up with a robot concept.

We talked about the field, rules, and strategies.

Here is what we got done yesterday

The Atomic Dragons started off the day at Upper Darby High School. Met up with some old friends from some of the other teams, checked in and found our seats. The students, teachers, mentors, parents and guests were all excited and a little tired since many of them were dreaming of first games all night and didn’t get much sleep.

We listened to some speakers and watched a few videos from Boeing and the excitement started to grow as it grew closer to 10:30.

Then the pre-recorded Kickoff video started. The lack of live presentation showed as the energy level in the videos was eh at best. But then the CEO from PTC came on and really picked up the energy.

As the game video was shown everyone started whispering ideas to each other.

The team then moved over to our build space and started working on getting the walls up, doing inventory and going through the rules.

The funniest idea so far is to build a robot named Larry Bird that shoots nothing but 3’s

Lots of pictures and videos here http://www.atomicrobotics.com/2012/01/field-pics/

I moved from being clueless, to overwhelmed, to excited. I’m simply a NEM (oh yeah, I learend that too) with a new team. Just getting started and trying to jump in and do what I can. That’s why I joined this forum. ::rtm::

Wish me luck! And good luck to all of you.

We did our strategy on the bus and we should decide tomorrow or Tuesday on our plan. We met with engineers and went through the kit and First Choice to see what goodies we could use. We then made prototypes out of Fischertechnik pieces and we are mostly set.

Tomorrow we disassemble last year’s bot and work on the kitbot.

Good luck, and welcome to CD!:slight_smile:

Our team went over our key concepts for gameplay (the WHAT), and have started brainstorming for the HOW.

I promoted the holy heck out of SCRIW II (details posting once we’ve got them locked down, but provisional information was shared locally), got two kits from Charleston to Columbia (one for 2815, one for 1293), and joined in the discussion with the team once I got back.

2815’s concept development method isn’t the most elegant–we all more or less agreed on the general idea, but when refining the points we more or less become a prove-me-wrong-ocracy–not a democracy, not a dictatorship, but one where nobody’s afraid to blow holes in another person’s concept so that stronger concepts can be developed (especially amongst the mentors–we’re a little gentler with the kids). We left for the day around 5:00 with some lingering questions, some of which were continued on our email list; the rest will be tackled when we pick back up tomorrow night.

Yesterday we split into subgroups to go through all of the rules and come up with questions that needed clarification after the end of the feed such as changes in robot specifications from last year, the Hybrid period, and areas of interest on the field.

Today we came up with ideas for strategy and robot designs based on our research of the rules and previous years (specifically the 2006 game).

In order, we:
-Watched the kickoff video (5:30 AM T_T)
-Did inventory
-Brainstormed strategy and robot attributes
-Ordered the hoops
-Downloaded the simulator and troubleshot it until it worked
-Reorganized and cleaned our room
-Dragged out and fixed old robots for new driver candidates to practice with
-Built a mockup bridge out of plywood
-Ran human-based simulations
-Ran computer-based simulations
-Drew some strategic conclusions
-Ate dinner