What division will win?

Just wanted to get everyone’s opinion on what division will produce the championship alliance.

Archimedes, or Galileo.

I think I kinda have to include Newton since I’ve been proclaiming this as the cheesy poofs’ year for months now :slight_smile:


I believe that all of the big gun Archimedes will be funneled down. There is only one division winner, so all of the strong teams there will knock each other around and only three of all of those teams proceed. It will be a tough division to place in , yes, but a division only needs thre or four good to decent teams to make a national winning alliance. I believe Galileo will win because there are a few strong teams to make an alliance and no other huge names in the FIRST world.

Whats a huge name in FIRST?,

I think the question can only be answered via teams reputations, as “huge names”

Its funny how every year at nats i am always suprised to see who makes it to the finals

sure there is always a chance that the technokittnes can pull it off
or wildstang could have a repeeat, maybe Beatty wants to make it 4 wins, but then again, maybe a lesser known team will pull one out of the hat, maybe there will be “The giant upset” by the rookies against the more experienced teams.

My opinion is i have no opinion, ever division has its fair chance

This year is great where anyone can win its not gonna take one specific strategy :smiley:

1114 in Curie… I wish we were in Curie… 1114 has one of the greatest robots and another plus about being in Curie besides all the other great bots… team 47… WISH WE WERE WITH YOU!!!

That is what I mean by big names. a team who has constantly proven themselves, espacially this year. I mean teams like you mentioned, also others like the Cheesy Poofs off of the top of my head, or 25. You may not have the hardware yet, but you are deffinitly in contention :wink: .

just as the man said, the big names in archimedes will knock each other out so it turns out that the question is not which is the stronger division just which division will hold the stronger alliance. This could come from anywhere. My guess is Archimedes and Newton. but right now there is no way to tell.

I’ve said it alot, but here it goes. Some how my team is always in the winning division. Curie has a strong chance. Very high average scoring, lots of regional winners, and some REALLY good rookies. Overall performance will detirmine the winner, whatever div. has a good spread of teams will win it. A separate note: I think a rookie team will be in the winning alliance this year.

Funny how the teams you have mentioned are all in the Archimedes division…

Now I am not saying this to say that you are contradicting yourself. I just want to point out that probably by “huge teams” are teams that have a great reputation in these forums and within the FIRST community. It just so happens that many of these “huge teams” are in the Archimedes; which just so happens to be the favorite by this poll. I guess by having no opinion and leaving it ambigous is a good call. Fair is fair. :slight_smile:

my vote would have to go to newton… but that’s a lil bias. all i can say is that newton has the most number of regional winners. theres a nice balance of herders and hangers/cappers who have won regionals, so my vote goes to newton.

archimedes will be runner-up tho… :smiley:

CURIE will take it all the way! :wink: Never doubt the undoubtable.

Any more? Looks like Archimedes has it.

I voted Archemides because of the good teams in it. Bu it could easily go another way. if 33, 45, 60, 71 and 111 end up in different alliances with medeocre teams and another division puts together an alliance of say: 254, 67 and 16 then I think that division will win.

It’s not going to be which division has the most good teams, it’s going to be the division that can put together the best allaince. ie 2003 25, 343, 494 and 111, 469 and 65

I just found some Championship '03 paperwork in my suitcase… (yeah I just started packing) and I remember that our Division won last year but could not remember what division we were in.

But I just confirmed that we were in the Archimedes division last year, and we are in that division again this year.

I vote Archimedes for at least a 2nd year in a row!!

Well, last year’s clear favorite, curie, didn’t win: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19998

I don’t really think that anyone can pass judgement on a winner, whether it be robot, team, or division. The reason for this is because this year there is no set way to win. Last year if you were on top of the platform you pretty much had it. The year before if you managed to get three goals there was no real way for your opponent to win. This year however, at one regional hangers were victorious, in others it was the cappers that reigned supreme. Also this year more than ever, teams that have been quiet in the past have made their voices heard and they said “Hey we’re part of this thing too!” If you aren’t careful the rookies or teams that haven’t performed well in past years might just come up fomr the back and take it all. So who will win the Championship? Whichever teams can come together and face off all of these obstacles. I know way down deep in the operator interface of my body that this competition will be one for the record books…can’t wait to see you all in the Georgiadome.

[quote=Eric Bareiss]I voted Archemides because of the good teams in it. Bu it could easily go another way. if 33, 45, 60, 71 and 111 end up in different alliances with medeocre teams and another division puts together an alliance of say: 254, 67 and 16 then I think that division will win.

It’s not going to be which division has the most good teams, it’s going to be the division that can put together the best allaince. ie 2003 25, 343, 494 and 111, 469

And we have a winner!!! With 44% of the votes, the new Divisional winner is Archimedes for at least 2 years in row.

Congratulations to all voters who had faith in us in Archimedes!!

And congratulations to our new Championship Event Winners from Archimedes (again)!!

It’s kinda interesting when you think about it because, according to the poll, and the replies people either said the Archimedes or Curie would win, and they faced each other in the first round of the divisional playoffs. Just weird that the two “favorite”, and i use that term loosly, would face each other and one would eliminate the other from medal contention.

I’m sorry but not to be picky but you mean 34.92% of the votes with 44 votes Archy is the winner… :stuck_out_tongue: Meh with HOT Bot I was almost sure Newton would win it but we gave them a good run… Next year though…