What do you do with your buttons?

So now that I’m home, and have a bag o’ buttons, I was wondering what I should do with them all. I was thinking some kind of board I could stick them to, but I thought I’d ask everybody on CD what they’ve done with all of theirs. I’m especially asking the veterans that likely have well over 100.

I hung all of mine from last year on a thunderchickens lanyard that I collected. There’s about 75 buttons in the picture. I always seem to find new buttons on it that I cant recall previously seeing. I really should find a better solution…


Most (not all) of mine are in a rather full shoebox. About half a dozen aren’t, though–I keep an alliance set for each year my team went to Einstein on a lanyard.

That’s about a decade worth, from small acquisitions over the years. I haven’t counted now many. It also includes some other giveaways.

I have buttons from alliances attached to medals. For example I have my driver button, a 217, and a 66 button attached to my 2008 GLR silver medal. The rest are hanging on the drawstring for my curtains. Though sadly I didn’t collect any this year, just never got around to going to all of the pits.

I have all of my buttons pinned to the walls of the shrine I am building to First at work (otherwise known as my cubicle).

I have a foamcore button board at the front of my apartment. Most of the buttons are from 2003/2004. I actually have one from 1992 I found lying around the site (I found two others I hung up in our museum).

I did a search for an older thread that talked about this. You might find a couple of ideas in it.

It would be great to see more ideas/suggestions added to your thread. Buttons are fun and make for good memories.

I have a big jar in my room that i have filled with buttons, eventually i’ll make a board to put them on.

I have a box full of about 150+ buttons. From the last two years. I would suggest putting them all in numerical order, and figuring out which team buttons you do not have. I was going to do that, but I havnt had the time or effort…

I have this bookshelf thing with a thin board backing. I turned the top shelf into my “Robotics Shelf”. I pushed the pin of the button through the board. I love my robotics shelf…

I keep all of mine in my dresser, and I am considering taking them with me in college and decorating my dorm room with them :slight_smile:

I keep all of mine on a jacket that I have. There is barely any room for more buttons, but I guess I could just start another one.

I don’t have too many buttons but my little brother has about 200 or so from when he went to Atlanta in 2008. He and my Mom hung them up on his wall on a piece of fabric (actually a Mini-Fro Cape) and it looks pretty cool.

Thanks for the ideas! After the first few I actually realized that the curtain in my room would be perfect for this, so that will probably be what I do with them, especially since I can fit a lot more than I have on there, which will be great for the next few years.

I’m gonna go ahead here and recommend this. I have what I call my “FIRST Shrine” right next to my desk in my dorm room that reminds me of FRC every time I study or do whatever. It consists of my 08 champs medal, 08 driver badge, 09 Cass Tech volunteer badge, a necklace someone from 469 made me out of 80/20, a few pieces of our robot I stole from the shop, and a small string of “important” buttons attached to a 217 lanyard. It’s small but everyone in my hall knows what it is and what I’m into, and sometimes all it takes is a look at that driver badge to remind me of the incredible times I had with it on me.

All the other buttons are in a shoebox at home that is equally fun to look through every now and then. I definitely would second the recommendation of some sort of board or something though that is easier to look at than a shoe box.

This is what one of my students started on the first day of VCU. He had it finished my the end of the finals. Next year i need to give him more work to do :wink:

We used to have a large sheet hanging on the wall of our team’s workshop where everyone hung a button or two that they particularly liked. After several years it got very full, but when we have to move to a new workshop it got lost in the move now.

(We are starting a t-shirt wall now - pictures coming later this summer).

A know several years ago a student on our team used the buttons she collected as the basis of a research paper at her school. I don’t know the topic but I’m sure you all have the creativity to do this too.

I was wondering how 469 was mentioned in a button thread…

I wear all of my buttons to every competition on one of my old Brownie or Junior vests from Girl Scouts. I had to switch to a junior vest for the Philadelphia Regional because it had more space and I had to many buttons!!! I like when people come up to me and try to find their button and then realize that I have 3 years worth of their buttons on my vest!

Random button story: At the NJ Regions one guy was giving out Free Hugs and I had a MOE Hugs buttons from the year before so I gave it to him :slight_smile: One less button for me but it was for a good cause!!!


That’s me with my Brownie vest of buttons at the NJ Regional… I couldn’t fit all my buttons on it so I had a bigger vest during the Philly regional and yes the entire back(and some of the inside) is full of buttons… It’s a suit or armor!!!

EDIT: And I’ve never been to Atlanta tears So all the buttons I’ve collected are from Regionals and Off-Season events and I think I have a pretty nice amount for only Regionals and Off-Season!!