only one rule:
you can’t choose your own district or Regional
I’ll Start:
Since I can’t vote for my own district, I’ll have to go with FIM.
Not only the level of play is insane but also the production:
Not a district. Please try again. (South Florida is a regional.)
Unless you’re talking about individual events (regional events or district events), that is.
If we really can’t vote for our own then definitely FIM it was such a great competition with so many good teams.
Pacific Northwest.
Gave us the first taste of Houston-level play, and their DCMP featured better production and between-match analysis than CMP did.
I would definitely choose First in Michigan they have so many teams their champs is like a mini worlds. I also believe that if First were to break up I feel that First in Michigan is prolly one of the only districts that run on its own.
F̶U̶M̶… wait no… FIM.
Edit: but actually FIM is the only answer to this question. I spoke with @Jim_Zondag for a bit at Champs, and it was really cool to hear about backstory and motivations to create the district format. The payoff in Michigan has been insanely inspiring from an outsider’s perspective! I can only imagine that’s true for the participants as well.
FUM and California are like the old trope where two gentlemen in evening clothes are blocking the entrance to an elegant salon. Their dialog:
MR. FUM: “After you, sir!”
MR. CAL: “No, no, I insist, after YOU, sir!”
etc., etc.
I think it’s the sheep dog and the wolf at this point:
“Morning Sam!”
“Morning Ralph!”
So, then each of them punches a time card? Sounds about right.
New York is unable to go to the salon as they do not own a car and the subway does not travel to the suburbs.
Either FiM or ONT. I think ONT has a higher ceiling (when teams don’t lose 2 weeks of build due to being locked out of their schools) but FiM has a deeper field
ONT for sure.
In terms of performance in a normal year, it’s Ontario and I don’t think it’s especially close
You two are correct about normal years. I miss normal years.
I am sad to not see no FiT being mentioned
Since I can’t pick FIM it has to be FIT. The amount of awesome teams is incredible. I love watching Texas events in addition to FIM events.
New England for the great top tier and incredible depth.