What do you think of the new game?

What do you think of the new game?

Thumbs up for two reasons: It vaguely resembles the game from my favorite season, 2000 and it is extremely better than not having any direct competition (redundant?).

I like it for one reason…you dont have to rely on 3 other teams

working together was a good test of teamwork…but sometimes teams had to rely too much on each other

I personaly like the game, I think F.I.R.S.T. has finaly realized the need for SIMPLE. Also F.I.R.S.T. has given the game a little excitement as far as contact is concerned. Correct me if wrong but as I read it its OK to push-pull-drag another robot into your end zone for 10 points. Hmmmm can you say (BATTLEBOTS). Just wishing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well… I won’t exactly say this is like battlebot… But this years game is actually spectator friendly, and should be really exciting to watch. At the same time, the playing field objects have gotten really simple, and the rules are pretty easy to understand.

As Dean said, he and woodie saw a lot of good things in sports, and they at least try to add some of them into the game. So, it might come out looking a little like battelbot or others, but that’s because they are all trying to follow the model of sports.

Well anyway, this year, all you have to tell people when trying to explain the game is this:

We have a lot of soccer balls, and three moveable goals where you can put those balls in and score points. There are zones on the ground, and you get points by getting your robot or your opponents’ to touch down at home zone, and/or get goals on top of you goal zones… I don’t think it need anymore explaination that that.

Well, about the3 times opponents’ score thing, well, we don’t really need to explain that as long as the spectators know who’s winning and who isn’t.

So, without getting into the game itself, I thought FIRST did a wonderful job of designing this game for future promotion.

I like this game much better than last year, because 4 way cooperation was too tedious. Basically, the alliances in the finals had a single plan that they tried to execute over and over again. It got sorta boring.

The 2v2 format makes you watch what your opponents are doing and make quick improvisations to beat them. It’s more exciting both for the drivers and for the crowd.

This will be the best game / season in FIRST’s history.

Well done Dean & Woodie.

Joe J.

I think that this years game will be great.

Strategy plays an incredible role this year, and I think that many matches will be decided in the final 10 to 20 seconds, which will make for a great deal of exitement.

There are so many different ways to acheive points, and distinguishing factors between robots will be difficult to acheive, especially for rookies and mid-level teams.

Although last years game was exiting, I had a great deal of doubt during building (untill we first attempted balancing with two goals). I am a big fan of a bit of contact, and some shoving matches will certainly bee seen this year.
