Hi, I saw a very good question in on eof the threads, where peopel were wondering what we were actually supposed to do our animation on, the robot, the spirit of FIRST or what?? I woul dhave to say you animations no matter what it is explains that. If you look at them most are about the robot in action, well that would be competition, which is a big factor of first, others are about helping (ex: moe’s animation (ok its a mix)) but really what ever you put is good enough, how would the judges be able to read your minds? maybe it is abotu the robot, or the competition, or being in Flordia, or anythign else. So for all those who are even the slightest bit concerned about being dq’d i wouldnt be, just smile, we all worked our %%%'s off (even though mine sucks cause im a newb lol) and we will all do good.
Best of luck to all.
Umm…I don’t think many of us will be getting a very high score. True, many will do well in the technical execution area but that is only worth 20%. The other 80% many of us are going to suffer on. Check out http://www2.usfirst.org/2002comp/awards.pdf On page 12 is where this image/attachement is from. Good luck guys, I know a lot of us are going to need it.