So I was checking out my teams standings at the GTR. and I come across the colum of RS. Can anyone tell me what it stands for and for it works, because i have no clue, but we had the highest number, and I am curious as to what we did good in lol
p.s. It is also known as RP on sundial.
This stands for Ranking Score, the average number of ranking points a team earns in a match. Each match the winning alliance receives the losing alliance’s score pre-penalties as their ranking score for the match. The losing alliance receives their own score post-penalties as their ranking score for the match. In a tie, each alliance receives the score of their alliance post-penalties. The exception to this is when a team is disqualified from a match, in that case they receive zero ranking points. It’s in the manual somewhere but I tought it would be more helpful to just explain.
To expand on that, the scoring system ranks teams first by qualifying points, then by the ranking points, and finally by the highest score achieved (and if there is still a tie, randomly).
I got so many questions about RS and QS as pit announcer at Philadelphia.
oh ok cool thanks guys. I just need to find out. Thanks again