What does S.M.A.E.A. mean?? My own creation!

So I came up with this saying and that’s the accronym*. What do you think it stands for??? It’s nothing vulgar so “Don’t go there”!

Here’s a hint: It relates to the K.I.S.S. theory! (and I don’t mean the rock group! )

Take your best shot!

keep it clean though!!


C’mon people don’t let this thread die out, make a guess!!!\

Ok here’s another hint

The longest word is 6 letters long!!!

Please make a guess, you’ll like what it stands for I promise!

Simply Make An Elephant Argument?

Simple Machines Are Entirely Acceptable

(It works, kinda…but if u said the longest word is 6 letters i guess its not it :slight_smile: )

Smile More After Eating Apples.
perhaps another hint is in order

Start Making An Evil Android? :cool:

Ok Heree’s a hint, I’m assumiong you all know what K.I.S.S. means, Keep It Simple St*pid.

Ok so, One of the words is Simple, in fact the first word is Simple!

The third word is “Are”

Simple Machines Are Extremely Awesome? :slight_smile:

Hmm … can’t find one to follow your hints, but how about this:
SMAEA makes an easy acronym

:slight_smile: It’s a recursive acronym like GNU and KDE … I guess only us computer geeks could apreciate it :slight_smile:


Simple minds are easily annoyed?

Simple Maxims Are Entirely Absurd

Simple monkees are ever aimless.


Never underestimate the power of a dust bunny.

Simple Minds Are Ever Active

  • Katie

*Originally posted by Karl *
**Simple minds are easily annoyed? **

So far Karl is the closest with 4 out of 5 words right!

In Second place is Katie_93 with 3 out of 5 words right!

Keep 'em coming I’ll reveal all within the next three days sometime!!!

(side note) I might be using some of these others as well, they are pretty amusing!!!:smiley:

Simple Minds Are Easily Amused.

Simple Minds Are Easily Amused!
Crap!! Not as fast as the average bear, I guess…:frowning:
Oh well. Great minds think alike!:stuck_out_tongue:

Well I guess my “subtle” hint in my last message was too much!!! If you can’t guess, Michael Murphy and Wetzel are the ones who correctly guessed it… and in the same minute as well a indicated by the Post time!!

Well now that I’ve had my fun, you can all go and read another thread!!!

Look for that personal slogan of mine to appera in my signature in the near future!!!

Later all you Hep Cats!

*Originally posted by srawls *
**Hmm … can’t find one to follow your hints, but how about this:
SMAEA makes an easy acronym

:slight_smile: It’s a recursive acronym like GNU and KDE … I guess only us computer geeks could apreciate it :slight_smile:

Stephen **

haha forgot about that, very nice. (oh, and you can’t forget PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)

Oh ok I get it now!! lol

Is that like calling it an ATM Machine. It’s a little redundant don’t you think???

Not really, but I see your point about the ‘AT Machine’ :slight_smile:

**recursive acronym **

<convention> A hackish (and especially MIT) tradition is to choose acronyms and abbreviations that refer humorously to themselves or to other acronyms or abbreviations. The classic examples were two MIT editors called EINE (“EINE Is Not Emacs”) and ZWEI (“ZWEI Was EINE Initially”). More recently, there is a Scheme compiler called LIAR (Liar Imitates Apply Recursively), and GNU stands for “GNU’s Not Unix!” - and a company with the name CYGNUS, which expands to “Cygnus, Your GNU Support”.