What does your team call its “work space”?

Very important question before kickoff: what does your team call the space (or collection of spaces) that you meet in to work on the robot?

  • (work)shop
  • build space
  • lab
  • (class)room
  • other (comment below)
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(When answering, think more about what you would say in common conversation, as opposed to the precise technical name.)


Fab(rication) Lab(oratory)


We call our main workspace the robotics room as we are in a manufacturing school that has a lot of workshops and workspaces.

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HQ (Headquarters)


LAUNCH TEAM naturally meets at the LAUNCH Pad (when we don’t use the building’s technical name)

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We have “the lab”. We also call it room 1345 if used early in the season.


We refer to our robot building space as shop, [teacher’s last name]'s class, and as the engineering (older members sometimes use pre-eng) room. This is cause our school’s Engineering Technology (formerly Pre-Engineering) room is where we have all of our robotics stuff and where we work, and we also use our engineering teacher’s name cause he is also our lead mentor and we use his room.

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The Gearbox. Our team’s branding is almost all based around gears, given that our name is Gear it Forward, so the workspace’s name most likely just an extension of that.

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The Shed


Usually “the shop” or “the garage”

we live out of a uni lab, the name was predetermined.

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I call it GTHQ - GalacTech Headquarters. Or also the shop.


we have a room (often referred to as foley), a closet named the closet, and a large storage locker called the cage.

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the shop


We usually just refer to the main work space as “engineering” or by the teacher who works in that space, referring to it as their room.

We call our metal and wood shops, the metal and wood shop (so creative) and we call our main storage space Home Depot.



5940 is carrying shop. the west is inflated (earth rotation), but the data is still useful.
Did I 3DM right?
Edit: i spent 40 minutes making this. kickoff is tomorrow. we’re cooking with gas this year.


Well, I suppose it depends on where we are.
We have a shop called the shop, a closet called the closet, a loft named the loft, and a garage bay area named the bay. Our main meeting room called–pick your fancy–either 107 or Hughes’ (our head mentor, it’s her classroom), and three rooms down the hall called by their respective teachers (or numbers).

Yeah, we’re creative.

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We have 110, the 110 storeroom, the dark room (yes, was photography back in the day), the cafeteria, and the pool storeroom (it’s not in the pool, just near the entrance to it).

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We have a bunch of names for our build space that we use interchangeably (lab, shop, across the hall), but the classroom we use as meeting space is the Fortress of Multitude.

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