What Happened to The Old Chief Delphi

What has Chief Delphi turned into. Old Chief always had good information, now people are asking what people put on sandwiches. And what to eat while you read the game manual. Please bring the old CD back.


Have you tried scrolling down to other threads…or muting certain subforums?

Cause there’s still plenty of good discussion.


It’s incredibly easy to mute certain forums and have your feed be only relevant information to you. Plus, if you aren’t interested in a thread in two clicks you can mute it forever and it will no longer show up on your feed.

there was never a reason to mute threads on old cd. I feel the stupid stuff should be left on the reddit or on discord.

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You and I remember Old CD very differently…


Pizza guy, eh?


In all likelihood you had the threads muted without knowing it. Some sub-forums (like Chit-Chat IIRC) were automatically hidden from the portal page unless you changed your settings to show them.

The quality of the CD community hasn’t changed with the update. You might just be seeing a side of it you hadn’t previously.

I’m feeling personally attacked! Sammich threads were around long before new CD!


The frequency in which these subforums are used has certainly changed. Areas like chit-chat had largely fallen by the wayside in the days of social media. The fact they now (default) appear in the front page has to to a resurgence in their usage.


Fam you were blind if you think stupid stuff wasnt on the old CD lmao


I’ll gladly take a few more “casual” threads if it means that more students are joining, asking questions and answering other’s questions.


its good to have casual threads but it seams like they are all going to casual.

Don’t obvious misspellings contribute to said casualness?


I’d love for you to do some statistical analysis on the difference in post topics between CD last year and CD this year. But in the absence of any hard data that CD quality has changed, I’m going to assume it hasn’t. I’m seeing the same high quality posts, with the normal influx of various questions that happens at the beginning of the season.


I welcome it. Chief Delphi felt like a dying site before the Discourse migration, now it feels like teams are using it more and more.

The majority of inter-team communication seems to have become more casual, with the rise of the FRC Discord in particular. Part of me speculates that the larger teams are sharing less as well.


The longer you are in a system, the more you start to see its flaws. People have been complaining about CD “going downhill” since the dawn of CD.