What is it that brings you back each year??

There are so many aspects to FIRST…you learn about
the technical aspects, friendship, hard work,
strategy, teamwork, time limits, working together,
meeting new people, traveling to new places. There is
so much involved with the experience. I have been
lucky to achieve all of these aspects with my team, we
are like a family and they all mean a lot to me, in
the end I would probably say that it is the people
that I am able to surround myself with that brings me
back every year. Because without them I don’t think
any of the other things would be possible.

So my question to you is…

What is it that brings you back?

i think you about summed it up :slight_smile: i’ve made so many great relationships (with the students and the mentors), and had so many fun times that i wouldn’t think about not comming back. plus the whole engineering thing :slight_smile: i mean, i learn a lot, have a great time, and love every minute of it.


I don’t think there is a single factor that would KEEP ME from coming back! There is no singular force that keeps me, it is the entire experience of FIRST, those last day sleep overs at the school, the relief when it works, the first day of practice at the first regional you go to, the relieve that you get when it still works when you take it out at the second regional you go to, and by now you know it’ll work for the Nats… hopefully:p Then of course the anxiousness at the picking for each, whether you are picking and you’re hoping that the ones you want haven’t been taken, or you are Hopefully being picked. The entire experience of teamwork, having something built from your hands. The entire competition has been the single best element of my High School career thus far, next year I’m a senior… BUT I"LL BE BACK I SAY!

The thing that brings me back is the whole thing. With out ir I dont know what I would do. Its dont so much for me and my future. Mostly the fact of going to the competitions, meeting people and just have so much fun. I have to say its probably the most exciting thing I have ever been involved in.

What keeps me coming back?

Easiest question I ever had to answer - getting to work alongside the great students on Team 48.  You kids keep me coming back for more every year.

I've known engineers who have justifiably contemplated not returning the next year because of all the added stress the FIRST program puts on their jobs and their personal lives, but ultimately, they decided to stick with it out of love for the program and the students on the team.  Our kids have had that strong of an effect on people.  I'm sure there are many other teams out there that have had similar experiences.

I’ve said this to my teammates in the past, but I think it applies to everyone in general - the students are the greatest asset the FIRST program has. I’ve invested in your futures, and as long as I continue to see you kids grow through your participation in FIRST, I will never stop investing in you. My personal rate of return is currently so high, I’d be foolish to even consider such a thing! :slight_smile:

I think i definitely come back because FIRST is like crack. After my first year, i was addicted. The excitement, the people, the relationships formed, everything you learn… where else can you get everything in one shot? Plus, I know that I get curious as to how we’ll place… i just want ONE winning year where we WIN… not like finals… but actually win… i think that when we get that, i’ll be satisfied… or i’ll work harder to win more regionals… shrug we’ll see… :smiley:

The question should be, “what prevents you from comming back each year”

and my answer is “absolutely nothing!”

My favorite thing about FIRST is the people…this year especially i have made four or five close friendships on my team, and at least that from other teams. Plus, i love getting to work with the adults on our team. I defy you to find anyone cooler to work with than our engineers. I love the experience of working on a team, i love hanging out with my team, i love hanging out with other teams. It’s just such a comfortable experience, bc no one looks down on you if you want to be a robotics geek. We’re all on (about) the same social wavelength, so it’s really a great place to make friends.

What would bring a commitment phobic back? (I’m serious about that, often times even committing to a one day event makes me half sick) It’s the students and adults on my team. It’s their creativity, their enthusiasm, their spirit… okay, we didn’t do so great, and sure that is disappointing, but they’re okay. No one got angry at the kids for losing a match (and this is true for most of the teams at Epcot, but I did see a few teams where this wasn’t true). I loved the joy on everyone’s faces when we finally won a match. But I loved my team even more when we lost a match.

Next year? Watch out team 116, I have notions, plans and ideas!


Sure, FIRST is about science, math and technology, but there’s poetry there too.

Next year? Watch out team 116, I have notions, plans and ideas!

here here! i think we can all say that to our team, I for one feel that same way.
/me slinks away and starts scheming for next year


*Originally posted by D.J. Fluck *
**The question should be, “what prevents you from comming back each year”

and my answer is “absolutely nothing!” **

u beat me to it…u nailed it