What is the verb that goes with Coopertition?

English Majors please forgive me if I’m not asking the question correctly…


If I’m engaged in a competition, I’m competing.

If I’m being cooperative, I’m cooperating.

So… If I’m engaged in a FIRST Coopertition… what am I doing (in one word)?


I’m up for suggestions.




How would you say that?


I think any suggested spellings should have a suggested pronunciation attached.

One post before I head to the kitchen to make the stuffing…

It’d be based off of competing and cooperating

Co-opertating.:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy thanksgiving all.


Shorter is better, so I vote for “cooperting” (co-op-er-ting).




I agree with John.

I generally go with one or the other, as I’m usually either competing (on the field) or cooperating (off). If I’m doing both, I’m “being graciously professional” :P.

If I had to pick one I’d go with John’s.



You have no idea how long a colleague of mine and I discussed this VERY thing about six weeks ago preparing to deliver a conference presentation. He posed the question to me and after almost a full day of back and forth, like the veteran English teacher I am, I chickened out and suggested a workaround description.

However, out of what’s here so far, I like JVN’s choice.

<Not serious>
Coopertitioneering Pronounced as Co-op per tish in ear ring (See, I even managed to work engineering into there :wink: )
</Not Serious>
Akash’s was funny too.

JVN’s is probably the best but I think that if we tweaked the pronunciation of Dave’s we might be onto something since it is much simpler to spell and isn’t quite as visually intimidating.

I have to go with lilstogi. It just seems to follow most grammatical rules and sound right.

Co-operteting ?

coopting or co-opting





(i feel like i am playing Balderdash)

Coopertating? (Coop-er-tayt-ing)

Incidentally, is there a verb for “to be Graciously Professional”? There should be.

If you mean for a translation into the infinitive form (Spanish) then I can’t help you. But I do think there is a verb in English. In fact you said it yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:

Copeting. (Co-pete-ing)

Maybe it’s time for someone to send a clarification email to Dean’s office.
Who knows? The TM or Patent or whatever for the verb may be in progress.

Seeing as the word gets its first half from cooperation and second from competition to form “coopertition,” the verb must be the same way…

cooperating and competing

So it can only be one of four ways: coopereting, cooperting, coopeeting, or coopeting

However, I agree with dlavery, liking the second best.

Quentin Sheets