What is the Worst?

What is the worst thing that has happened to your team before or during a competition?

We forgot our storyboard in the animation award and had to resend everything.

Our robot blew all of its left tread and chain to shreds in the middle of a live news event.

our robot decided to have the clutch destroyed the day we are supposed to ship it.

this is all this year…
Mesa doesn’t think that the robotics god like us this year.

This has been done before. Do a search. You’ll be suprised at what you find.

About 5 minutes before the FedEx truck arrived, one of the Jr’s on our team got hold of the lift-system joystick…(from this you should know nothing good will happen)…

He proceeded to try to make the bot pick up a box that had a person sitting in it. Needless to say, it didn’t and parts of our lift system popped rivets and clips…

shakes head

Up until that this year had gone pretty well…

Last year our drill motor trannys decided to stop working in like our 3rd match…so we were 2 motors short for most of last year.