What is your Job in your Team?

my job is the Time resource manager.
My job makes sure that we get our goals done by a specific deadline and if we don’t get the goals done we postpone them

I’m the animation mentor.
I’m also responsible for periphrials for the team (from robot signage, to image based design).
I’m also the unoffical team chaffuer for the kids.:rolleyes:

I have no title… I’ve done everything, except programming. I’m just a mentor.

public relations,
basically marketing and community stuff :slight_smile:

I’m the team’s programmer, but when I’m not doing that I do the electrical, pre-scouting, write scouting software, more programming, take a occasional look at Inventor, actually do the math to see if the forklifts will have enough power(they won’t), and more programming.

I’m also tring to learn 3DsMax.

I am the electrical and animation person. Are electric people graduated so I am basically the main electric person now.:smiley:

I have spent two years on the End Effectors team and one year on the AutoDesk Design (Inventor Award) team. I also do code for the (still non-existent) team website.
In the past I have scouted, written experimental scouting software, wired batteries, managed battery charging, organized tools, been on the FLL team, run the FLL team, been on the vEx team, cheered in the stands (yes this is job), and worked in the pit.

I might be selected as captain today. crosses fingers

Currently, I default to the title of “College Student Mentor”–at least that’s what I put on my resumé. In practice, this past season I served as the field coach and designer (both mechanically and visually). I also serve as the team injury magnet–this season, I received a burn on two fingers during build and a hard whack to the chin from the window motor on our arm (which was being swung by a CIM and a BaneBots) at Palmetto. Nobody else on the team was hurt beyond a little cut or two.

Still, the day my FIRST work feels like a “job” is the day I quit doing it. :wink:

When I started out on the team, I was in the ‘Art’ group, which tie-dyes all the teams shirts, headbands, and wristbands. This year, I was in the Computer group and the one and only webmaster. I was also a mascot at the regionals (or as close as we could get to one), and photographer in Atlanta.

Next year, I hopefully can mentor the computer group and whoever gets the webmaster gig (which no one currently wants:ahh:).