Volunteers are great! They are key in bringing energy to events. But to me, what makes volunteers great are simply being there and encouraging teams. A few encouraging words to a team slipping off the scoreboard or cracking a joke to bring some optimism when a team’s robot suffers a rough ahem fall can mean the world to a driver. Check out the FTA here (3:05) helping out the red alliance team that didn’t climb so well (relax its my team lol i was there) - I imagine he was suggesting ways to get the robot down lol - would’ve loved to hear that conversation. FYI, in the end the robot was fine.
Afterall, simply being there makes the event actually possible, and hence, without them, we wouldn’t have fun competitions.
One of my most fond memories of a volunteer was a talk with the head referee. It was at a Week 1 2020 competition, and things were not going to well for us. Our team had felt that “the field had been misjudged” numerous times, resulting in me, the drive coach, going in and speaking to the head ref about why certain calls were/weren’t made. I believe I went up 9 times.
This last match would be my last in-season match (i didn’t know it bc of covid), which makes it sadder. Our team lost to the first alliance (we were 8th) in quarterfinal tiebreaker, and if we didn’t put our climber up a few seconds too early (we had this reoccurring human error throughout the competition causing our driver to break down and program a code to stop it on the way home), we would have won by one point. Because I noticed another alliance partner received a penalty, we were curious as to what it was - we had accepted defeat, we were not looking to question. When I went up, the head ref first congratulated us on our performance, and then continued to calmly explain the penalty, which he did very well (each time as a matter of fact, and their point of view - Afterall, in an argument - it’s about really listening to one another, and not explaining why the other person is wrong but how you see things differently and that its okay). As we finished the conversation, he apologized for having to make such hard calls, and wished us the best of luck in our future conversations.
I remember the ref, I simply don’t remember his name though unfortunately. Regardless, volunteers that simply take the time to congratulate and encourage teams are great. In retrospect, he certainly did not have to apologize for sending us home early as it isn’t his fault. With that logic, if you are a boss that needs to make a tough decision and the workers are split 50-50, at the end of the day, half the people in the room will disagree with you whatever you chose. There will always be some sort of opposition (not 50-50 ideally but who knows). Regardless, he made those tough calls, and clearly didn’t do it out of spite. Lol I was amazed he could tolerate me enough to say those encouraging words by the end of the competition.
It may seem cliche, but still. Volunteers are great for everything, from simply being at a competition to doing your best to help teams and put smiles on their faces.