What materials can the chassis be made of?

Hello, my name is Matheus and I’m from team #8276, I wanted to know what materials can be used in the FRC robot for the 2024 season crescendo

You can make it out of almost anything you want, but most teams make it out of 2x1 aluminum box tube. You can buy that from most FRC vendors.

This is one of those questions that if asked, has only one answer.
Your drive chassis should be the AM14U. It’s a great system that’s driven thousands of FRC robots. If you didn’t opt out, you already have this. If you did opt out, you should probably use your AndyMark voucher to buy one.

If you didn’t opt out of the Kitbot tote, that’s a good starting point. If you did opt out the information is still available and you can readily adapt it to your needs.


It looks like you used an AM14U5 frame last year and as mentioned, that is a fine option for a drivebase. More the only rules about what materials you can use to build your robot are the hazardous material restrictions, so use whatever you want pretty much. Most teams use mostly aluminum and polycarbonate tubing and plates, but a few teams use steel, wood and occasionally even PVC pipe in their structures. just about any metal, plastic, or rubber can find a place in some mechanism.

When reading the manual remember that if there is no rule against something its generally legal.