What motor are you using for your shooter?

With a shooter seeming very necessary this season, Free Speed seems to be very important, and on paper, the NEO Vortex has the highest Free Speed. Are you guys planning on using the Vortex? If not, why?

  • NEO V1.0/V1.0
  • Kraken X60
  • Falcon 500
  • NEO Vortex
  • Other motor (comment in the thread)
0 voters

We are going to use NEO motors because of our budget but from experience the new motors in their year of introduction have had several issues. This is what happened with the NEO and Falcon’s in their year of introduction to the market and we do not have the resources to be able to react quickly to any circumstance that we do not have the experience of the new motors.

Most of the kitbot teams are going to use CIMs


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