What program do you use for webdesign?

What program do you (or your team) use to create your team website?
I just want to get an idea of what teams use what programs.

I used Adobe GoLive 6 to create 648’s site because I found that GoLive has more features and you can better control the creation than with Microsoft FrontPage.

I’m a big fan of Dreamweaver. But with the CSS explosion of late, Notepad is making a big comeback. I write the initial HTML/CSS in notepad and switch to a browser to see how the site is being rendered. So, I usually have Notepad, Opera, and Internet Explorer open as I work. After the site is done, I usually use Notepad and (::gasp::slight_smile: Frontpage to make changes to the template. I’m big on quick loading, quick changing, etc. Quick, quick, quick…

I used Quanta under linux for www.nonnebots.com for the coding and layout, and GIMP for graphics.

Yeah, it’s sort of cheating, but I’m still not fluent enough in HTML to use vim or some other basic text editor :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I really like Dreamweaver. After you get to know your way around, it is a very nice way to do things. :slight_smile:

vi to edit … mozilla & ie to preview.

:smiley: Yay! another Unix person! (even if you do use IE :ahh: )

I use BBEdit Lite and Safari 1.2!

I love Panther :smiley:


I’m a Dreamweaver guy. I totally redesigned our school’s webpage on Dreamweaver. I’m more of a visual person, so codeing then tweeking dosn’t do it for me, I lose interest. Also, the intergration of Flash and Fireworks is great for drop-down menus.

I use HTML-Kit for coding. I hate FrontPage mainly for the fact that whenever I edit code in it, if it doesn’t like your modifications it deletes them–it can get quite frustrating. I ditched FrontPage quite a while ago (although it was initially the first app that I used); I like knowing that what I write as code is the only thing that’s actually in the file. :slight_smile:

HTML-Kit has helpful syntax highlighting (you really don’t need it, but it helps make your work much easier more efficient when you can quickly scan through your code to look for something) and a nice FTP Server feature that allows you to edit content that is directly on the server. It lacks the organizational utilities that Dreamweaver boasts, but for freeware it’s a very handy, useful replacement for notepad. Then again, if you design your pages in WYSIWYG, then HTML-Kit isn’t going to be for you… :rolleyes:

Notepad all the way. Of course Photoshop and stuff for the graphics.

I use Dreamweaver for most of the stuff, creating new pages, updates, and for managing the site overall. I love dreamweaver! :smiley: It makes everything so easy. However I have to use Frontpage for only one reason, and that is, the word art! When the site was created it was entirely made in Frontpage, and all the titles of the pages use this one type of word art. :mad: I have to get around to changing that and getting more creative. :rolleyes: someday.

I alternate between using Dreamweaver MX 2004 and hand-coding. I primarily use Dreamweaver when I’m trying to do more complicated designs as I have trouble hand-coding really complex stuff.

When hand-coding, I use Optima Systems’ PageSpinner 4.6 for Mac OS X. Very good and very simple WYSIWYG editor. Textedit works in a pinch, but syntax coloring is very useful :slight_smile:

I bought Macromedia Studio 2004 the other day and am even more so impressed with Dreamweaver.

BBEdit is always great, or HomeSite on Windows.

Might I recommend irEdit for OS X. Very simplistic, syntax-highlighting editor. I love it. It’s not free, but it’s cheap. I highly recommend it.

As it might show, I use irEdit for HTML and PHP on my Mac and I use mcedit when I edit directly on my server. (mcedit is the editor that comes with Midnight Commander… which is much like DOS edit. It has excellent syntax highlighting and is so simple to use. I can use either emacs or vi, but find it so much easier to hit F12, <enter> and be gone!) In Windows, I use notepad (actually, usually, I SSH to my server and edit on there… so much easier… eliminates FTP and annoying
slipping into code.) I use Photoshop CS on my Mac for graphics (not that I’m good or anything :P) Or sometimes just iPhoto :slight_smile:

Notepad, on the whole. Once in a while, Dreamweaver for complicated tables and such, but I still prefer hand-coding. I do all of my image design in Photoshop 7.0, of course, and I use IE, Netscape, and Opera to preview and check for compatibility.

A friend of mine is working on creating a coder that handles HTML, RB, and a couple other language syntax coloring. From what I’ve tested so far, it looks like it’s going to be an awesome program.

For graphics I use GraphicConverter. Create a mask, then run the mask (with empty picture) through Aquatint (www.sticksoftware.com). This gives my pictures a nice Aqua look (if that’s what I’m after). I also use iConCompo to layer images.


VI, VIM, EMACS, XEMACS, the winSCP editor for last minute stuff, and notepad for when I can’t get access to an editor with syntax coloring.

I’ve never touched Dreamweaver.

Once upon a time I discovered that I had Front Page installed on my computer as part of the Microsoft Office package, so I decided to try it.

I HATED it and never opened it a second time. Sorry, I just don’t like there being stuff in my code that I didn’t write. Like all this superfluous font stuff and just…eh.

Noah (Impulse3D) tried to convert me to HTML-kit. The syntax highlighting is nifty, but I can live without it. And the FTP stuff is super convenient, but I don’t like the way it previews.

Notepad all the way. =)

I use Internet Design Shop Gold - something that came free with my HP scanner. Very easy to use and make quick changes but I still make my own HTML code for almost everything except the layout. I haven’t used Frontpage in a few years - used it once and didn’t like it (DSG has all the same features). I’m working on getting a copy of Dreamweaver from the guy that used to do the website and now runs our server because the school doesn’t have Dreamweaver - they use Frontpage.

Our team uses dreamweaver, although i’m a big proponent of notepad with ie/mozilla to preview. I tried frontpage a couple of years ago, and I must say I didn’t like it. It had the same text editing problems and annoying autoformatting that microsoft word has.

I am an extreme novice at this, and since our school system bought a copy for every teacher I am using Dreamweaver. If fact, we have the whole suit so I use everything in the Macromedia suit. I really like Dreamweaver as I do a lot of dynamic pages and it makes connecting to the databased a lot easier for me.


Nathan Pell