I think scoring in the middle row would probably be the best position strategically, since you can continue making a vertical row either from the upper or lower “spider leg.” Other than that, I’d guess the bottom row.
Our team is working on an arm that would theoretically be able to get up to the top row, though it’s more likely we’ll just stick with the bottom two. The primary function of our robot will be a Defender/Platform for the end of the match so the arm is a secondary priority. If we have enough weight we’ll go for all 3.
It is key in this game to be flexible with your scoring options and tube retrieval options. I think it is an important strategy to work with your alliance partners on this one, such as one team taking a specific part of the rack. Although this may create another defensive strategy to notice scoring patterns and then block a team from their section, that’s a completely different story…
Our team has an extendable lift which travels 10 feet in the air. We will score on all three levels. :yikes:
we’ve got a design in mind that will effectively score on all three levels. The only problem now is implementing it
(btw, we haven’t figured out how to completely tap into the powers of magic smoke, so we’ve started actually engineering:p )
arm is being designed to score in all three. and we are going to magically levitate and lift 2 bots for 90 extra points
Let the scouting begin!!
Top row!!
Our team will figure that out when we get the arm finished but as it stands right now our goal is all three. :ahh:
were shooting for the middle and lower rows, using the arm we desingned we might be able to go higher but were gonna try and keep it simple.