What should we purchase now before tariffs become a problem

The likelihood is high that prices will start to go up after January due to importers passing on their tariff costs to consumers.

What types of robot parts, materials, etc. should we focus on purchasing before the prices go up or before they become hard to get due to shortages?

Please don’t turn this into a political discussion.

Thank you.

Game pieces.


Got those preordered already. I’m thinking structural materials (aluminum/poly carb, etc.) or motors, gears/sprockets, etc.


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most structural materials we’ve been able to find from local vendors, although they may end up jacking up their prices once the tariffs take effect. Anything you might be getting directly from a manufacturer in China (I know some teams bought turret bearings from there) you should definitely get now, as that will be hit with a 60% import tariff.

Domestic supply chains will spin up and we’ll be able to purchase higher quality FRC parts made in america for current prices.


Continuing on from this…

FIRST will create a vendor network with multiple vendors designated and approved for all critical hardware items, field elements or required items. No monopolies on anything in FIRST ecosystem to enforce a competitive free market

/S one can dream though

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Im like pretty sure Alan Steel (the local vendor in question) gets most of their aluminum from China…


I wonder if FIRST has stocks of trophies, medals, and similar. We know how they feel about cutting costs in that area. Tbh I do not know where these are made/assembled, but I could see trophie blanks and also medals a few years out once sponsors and game theme are locked down…

Good point, I’m guessing they’ll all raise their prices. We’ve always just placed a big Alan Steel order every year because every year there’s a rumor that they’re closing and that would be our last chance

Most baltic birch from Russia is routed through China.

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I’m highly skeptical, esp in time for the 2025 build season.

Aluminum extrusion. Pretty much any vendor parts.