I’m the current webmaster of team 180 S.P.A.M.'s website and the administration is seeking to remove me from my position because “no one knows how to use PHP except for me.” I need to know what other team websites are using so I can provide adequate defense for PHP and MySQL (and CSS, and standards-compliant HTML not written in Frontpage!).
First of all, there must be more to this story cause that is the most childish excuse I have ever heard to remove someone from a team duty… If no one knew how to program in C would you just say, “Well, we don’t need to program the robot this year.”? C’mon, that is lame.
Anyways, at the TEAM 237 WEBSITE, we use, html coding, css style sheets, flash for a high bandwidth intro page, and a php based forum system similar to CD, but obviously not as advanced as the nifty stuff Brandon has done with this site here.
Hope that answers your question, and if no one knows php, then why not just teach them?? The site has a nice layout now, why change it?
This is going by some FIRST teams mantra: “If it ain’t broke, mess with it till it is!”
Currently 1110’s website simply uses HTML and CSS, although I plan to soon move away from the evils of Angelfire and get hosted on a server with PHP and CGI support.
My team’s site (w00t, website excellence award) uses MySQL and PHP, and is getting rather advanced. The teams webmaster (me, bwahaha) is also the lead programmer for a forum program, www.supermod.org, which is currently getting involvd in something a little more advanced than a forum (I’m only mentioning this to show experience, not to brag).
The administration means me, the mentor for the website team. This is not the appropriate place to address our teams issues so I won’t comment any further, except to say that I have never said the reason was “no one knows how to use PHP except for you”, and that is not even an issue.
Aside from that, Steve’s question is a good one so please respond to it.
Jonathan Lall, the webmaster for Team 188, this year’s (inter)national website award winner, wrote this article to describe exactly what technologies were employed on the site and why.
IMO, there is a fine balance that needs to be struck. There is such thing as using too much technology, and not using enough when trying to represent information effectively. Jonathan’s reasoning is as sound as anyone else I’ve seen or read, and his work his been rewarded accordingly .
I only use HTML, CSS, flash for the button bar and javascript for the rotating clock and the random midi code. PHP may be better than HTML but I still got the Website Excellence Award. Just try to switch everything that you can on the site to html and see if you can keep it running.
We use HTML, PHP, CSS, Javascripting, MySQL. Our scouting database (which all the modicaftions are just about complete for posting on the web) was heavy in PHP and MySQL. MySQL, PHP and JS are usd in a calendar viewing and maintnece system. We also use IPB for our forum. All of my personal sites use PHP, CSS, and MySQL. To me you must have a PHP, CSS, and MySQL driven website inorder to maintian any comprehinsive and solid website . . . And DW is the bling bling of life.
We(I) use dreamweaver for the html part, and we(I) use flash for the nav bar. Sorry about the forums, I recently moved the site, and haven’t changed all the permissions yet.