What time for kickoff??????

I see two different times for the broadcast tomorrow!!! :eek:

http://science.ksc.nasa.gov/robotics/ says 9:00 AM

http://robotics.nasa.gov/events/2012_kickoff.php says 10:00 AM

I apologize. I see three different times.

http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20120104006615/en/Inventor-Dean-Kamen-Joined-National-Luminaries-FIRST 10:30 AM

Our local kickoff is scheduled for 9am Central (10am Eastern), which is consistent with what comes up on the NASA TV schedule in local time.

From the FIRST Site

Kickoff Agenda

9:00 AM – Doors open and check-in starts

10:00 AM – Local presenters

10:30 AM – Broadcast starts

The kickoff officially starts at 10:30AM Eastern.

The live streaming starts at 9:00AM Eastern.