What to do when overloading the CAN bus?

I don’t know if we don’t know what going on, but our shooter doesn’t work because our can bus is constantly at full capacity. We’ve already gone through and checked connections. Anybody know what can be done to fix this?

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Add a second CAN bus.

Your other option is to reduce your CAN utilization - reduce the number of calls being made on the bus.


Can you tell us how many CAN devices you have on the bus? What brand are they? Ctre or rev

This is what we did. 16 Falcons and 6 CANcoders plus 2 Neo 550s after our first event. CANivore worked amazing!


Same here. Solved all our problems

Ya I suspect it will become much more “the normal” over the next couple years as teams try to do more and more.

Here is the doc with the list of frames, their default period, and what data they each provide. Common Device API — Phoenix documentation

Another option that isn’t discussed as much is to take the motors off the can network entirely and run them through pwm. Both both offerings from CTRE and REV can do this. We put our intake and 2 conveyors on pwm and it helped a lot (saving up for a CANivore). You are still going to want to edit status frames as stated above.


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