I think the product of my teams discussions yesterday was this:
With only 15 seconds, an optimal autonomous will be to score the preload, go get another from the middle to score, and then engage with the charging station. Depending on the speed of the scoring mechanism, you may be able to get a second game piece from the middle. That being said, if you have an alliance mate who can engage, it may be possible to skip that step and use that time to get an extra game piece
Maybe I don’t math so good, but it seems to me that you need 3 robots on the teeter-totter to get your 26 points. Either 1 Auton and 2 Endgame or somehow all 3 in Endgame.
Another robot taxis and docks but does not engage
A third robot drives over the charging platform and docks and engages.
One robot grabs a second game piece and scores it
this allows less experienced teams to take the easier (engage or dock+engage) autonomous paths.
This would grant the points for the game piece scoring, 8 points for the docked robot, and 12 points for the docked and engaged robot for a total of 20+ points.
Did I interpret the manual wrong here? This would reduce the requirement for the RP to just one docked robot.
@BryceHanson’s post specifically calls out needing to be engaged in auto to have the most paths to the endgame RP. Based on Jareds scoring calculator, while the auto charge station is needed, the points difference between being docked or engaged in auto (8 vs 12) is not enough to cause any difference in the routes you can take to get the rest of the points in endgame. The only benefit for getting Engaged in auto is an extra 4 points.