Whatever is happening at FIM St. Joeseph needs to happen more

Live commentary with insights in to strategy?
Non full-field cam that doesn’t totally suck?
Replays and post match interviews to fill the time?

You could put this on TV!

I understand that the AV here is quite the feat, but can we please, please do more of this.


Just tuned in, Very well done.

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Pretty great! More events need this.


The live commentary happening at St. Joeseph is a FiM specific thing. They have been doing this for a number of years. They will normally do one or two district events and will do the state championship as well. This year they are featuring St. Joseph, Troy, and MSC. I believe it is also on TV on the ESPN channel, but that is only for MSC. But I don’t know if its nation wide or just Michigan. I love the insight they give and interviews they do with the students.


I agree. It really shows how FiM is pushing for FRC to be treated as a sport more than anything. I hope that someday more regions will have that.


Yup. Wall of A/V :joy:

All those pretty pictures are coming thru those wires.


Funny you say that, FIRST Robotics Gameday is normally broadcast nationally on ESPN3 however due to last minute complications at Milford they switched to St Joe, and just took over the Twitch stream. West Michigan, Troy, and MSC should be live on TV


Is there a VOD?


3:03:30, some great insight from Dan Kimura about defense.


This is insanely well done. I’ve watched many, many hours of FRC matches over the years, some with commentary and most without. Normally I skip over the boring parts to just watch the matches. I’m supremely annoyed by feeds that cut away from the full field action to focus on robot closeups, because you can’t follow the flow of the match. That said, I found myself watching all of this broadcast, including the gaps between matches, and also the annoying match footage, just because I wanted to hear the commentary. That NEVER happens. I have to hand it to the Dan’s, this broadcast works because of their talent as commentators.

It’s obvious that Dan Gutowsky isn’t an FRC person. (or he’s a really good actor) He doesn’t know the game, and doesn’t really add much strategic insight. But he’s an insanely talented commentator. He does a better job at talking about nothing than most knowledgeable FRC match MCs do with their years of FRC experience. He’s the perfect stand-in for the uneducated general public tuning into the broadcast with no knowledge of the game. He asks just the right questions, and isn’t afraid to ask about something he doesn’t understand. I don’t know if there are master classes on the profession of sports commentary, but D.G. could teach one.

And, Dan Kimura does the best job of filling the “knowledgeable expert” chair that I’ve ever seen in an FRC broadcast. He’s got a broadcast quality delivery style, and though it’s obvious that he DOES have a deep background in FRC, he explains things clearly and at just the right level to inform both a general public audience and an experienced FIRSTer audience. I kept wondering to myself how someone who came out of the FRC world ended up developing those on-camera skills. And, some of his strategic insights are things I can actually use as a drive team coach. Fantastic.

The production team behind the broadcast is also really good, though they often focused on the wrong robots for the closeups. I don’t know if they just didn’t know FRC or if maybe FRC is just really hard to live edit for TV.

In short, after watching so many bad FRC broadcasts, including ones from the World Championships, watching this quality level of broadcast is just jaw dropping. These guys aren’t pretending to be commentators. They ARE commentators. The difference is stark. This broadcast is everything (almost) that I’ve thought might be possible to bring FRC to the masses. If every FRC event had broadcasts of this quality, Dean’s dream of bringing the excitement of FRC to the GP would have been achieved a long time ago. Whoever is responsible for this broadcast deserves some sort of FRC level special Chairman’s Award.

At the very least, this should be required viewing for every person who aspires to do audio or video FRC commentary for any of the live feeds.


Do you have a link to YouTube videos or twitch vod of the matches? I watched live but I want to watch the elims again to study strategy.

I watched using the embedded video at full screen size.

Just go back a few posts in this thread.


ESPN3 isn’t exactly Live TV. It is accessible to some through their cable provider, but not all. ESPN3 is kind of where ESPN puts its extra games/events that it doesn’t have space on a channel for. Sometimes it seems only some people have access to events listed on it.

The broadcast they did for MSC in 2019 was very cool, but I remember many had a hard time finding/accessing the broadcast.


I don’t see it. is it the “reset” post?

yeah something is going on with that:


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AHH darned firewall… cheers.