Hey curious alumnus of Team 88 just wondering what is happening in Jersey.
Bags. Lots and lots of bags. In burgundy(the sexiest), blue, black with silver, black with gold, and tan. Thank you BMS! Now we just need that all BMS final…
ya for all us stuck in the pits, i d like to know how the other robots look, who you guys thinks gonna win?
Two competitions and the machine would not break. What did it finally take??? It took the shipping company…We fell to the shippers as they must have dropped our crate…our batteries fell out and the control ssytem got smashed and is currently held togeter by duct tape, but thanks to our great pit crew the machine is up and running great I can’t wait to get down there tomorrow.
Can someone let me know how 352 is doing, especially how well their robot is working?
Yesterday was practice rounds and interestingly the teams got 4 sessions each but with the same partners each time. The sessions were done well and they even let overturned teams come out and flip their robots back over if they could do it safely.
Oddly, team 25 was paired with team 555 and against our rookie friends at 1089( and their partner who I cant remember sorry). That drive team includes two of my sons who proceeded to “come after” their old man’s team on the hill and gave everybody an exciting show.
I cant recall seeing 352 play but I can tell you that teams to watch I recall seeing are 303, 102,103,618 and of course 25 with 1089 as a definite rookie contender (personal bias ; ) ).
Like most of the regionals we’ve seen, much of the day for most teams was spent repairing drill gearboxes.
And, like in other threads, a number of teams got their crates back in poor condition. A few didn’t arrive until yesterday morning and that was from the Phila. regional only about 50 miles away.
Well, we go to competition in 4 hours and I need to get ready. I’ll report back tonight if I can keep my eyes open.
*Originally posted by Todd Derbyshire *
**Hey curious alumnus of Team 88 just wondering what is happening in Jersey. **
We kept walking past TJ2 in the pits and they were working on that big arm the bot has… Once the guys extended it as I was going by and made me jump out of the way. Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to see it in action ON the field.
But is it supposed to have that big curve and dents in it?
Just kidding…
Knowing TJ2 it will be a great competitor.
Very cruel Wayne very cruel this is the first time in competition for 88 that I am not attending an event ever. Hey if someone wants to give an update of the teams how they placed at the end of friday that would be great!!!
frowns the FIRST site’s info for Jersey is down!!! Someone from Jersey pleaze tell me what is going on!
Big fun.
Big challenges.
Big bots.
Big wow.
<~ Tired. Verrry tired.
it was good to see the advisors from 11,25 and 303 win their own personal award, anyone from our teams or any of our friends know how hard these guys work, to make nj the center for robotics. its like we’re their second family the way they spend so much time on FIRST. from my personal experience mr. c has totally turned our program around and made most of us on our team see that the game is secondary, and team building is of primary importance,only difference is, that he sees all the NJ teams in the future as becoming one big team.
my congrats go out to him and the rest of the advisors from 11, and 303. they’ve worked their @$$'s off to build FIRST in NJ to soemthing great and im so glad they are finally being recognized for it.
plus if you saw their faces you could see how much the award meant to them.
so good job to all of you guys
*Originally posted by ssjcell *
**it was good to see the advisors from 11,25 and 303 win their own personal award, anyone from our teams or any of our friends know how hard these guys work, to make nj the center for robotics. its like we’re their second family the way they spend so much time on FIRST. from my personal experience mr. c has totally turned our program around and made most of us on our team see that the game is secondary, and team building is of primary importance,only difference is, that he sees all the NJ teams in the future as becoming one big team.my congrats go out to him and the rest of the advisors from 11, and 303. they’ve worked their @$$'s off to build FIRST in NJ to soemthing great and im so glad they are finally being recognized for it.
plus if you saw their faces you could see how much the award meant to them.
so good job to all of you guys **
Amen to that! I think each and everyone of them deserved that award. It’s amazing how much FIRST a handful of people can really spread. Your hard work and dedication was recognized tonight, which is definitely appreciated. I think sometimes you need to step back and have someone else show you how much work you truly put into something before you realize how deeply rooted into it you are.
And of course, a big thanks to Wayne C. for being absolutely instrumental in getting 1089 off the ground. We couldn’t have done it without you.
We won the Xerox Creativity Award, too bad we’re seeded last or close to it. We did good in practice but today luck has just not been with us. Hopefully we will do better tomorrow and get picked.
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid58/p945ea598ff3521c5f92f24070726005e/fc6474c7.jpg Our robot got flipped, battery fell out, and we shattered our 2nd red light cover of the day.:mad:
*Originally posted by Todd Derbyshire *
**Very cruel Wayne very cruel this is the first time in competition for 88 that I am not attending an event ever. Hey if someone wants to give an update of the teams how they placed at the end of friday that would be great!!! **
Sorry Todd, lack of sleep makes me MEAN
TJ2 received a major award tonight- sorry I don’t recall which. The team was so big that the song ended way before the entire team passed through!!
BTW- we had a round opposite 88 and it was one of those glorious kamikaze attacks where our bot crashed through the wall just as your swing arm was hitting from the other side. Boxes flew everywhere and it was a wild time. The arm survived the assault well.
Congratulations to the newest Brazilian team 1156 for winning the Rookie Allstar award. For those who haven’t seen it, they have a neat little bot with feathered wings that is highly maneuverable and, well, looks like a big bird. Yesterday the team had a lot of mechanical problems but they have overcome them and were in fine style today. They are a great team and the fact that we don’t speak Portuguese doesn’t seem to be a barrier between us.
I hope they come back next year!!
[quote]*Originally posted by peng613 *
**We won the Xerox Creativity Award, too bad we’re seeded last or close to it. We did good in practice but today luck has just not been with us. Hopefully we will do better tomorrow and get picked.
Congratulations Franklin. It is great to see your team get awarded. I know the long road you guys have travelled down and how hard your team has worked.
I am sure Mrs. Clukies (one of my team’s moms and a teacher in your district) will be overjoyed!!
Thanks for the updates team 25. I like todd am stuck here due to my brothers wedding being tommorow. apparently we won the diamler chrysler tech award ( i think) anways thanks a lot. See you in Houston!
*Originally posted by Nick Mac *
**Thanks for the updates team 25. I like todd am stuck here due to my brothers wedding being tommorow. apparently we won the diamler chrysler tech award ( i think) anways thanks a lot. See you in Houston! **
Wedding!!! Geez- you missed the best regional in the country for a wedding? Would they notice if you skipped out? You could leave now and maybe make the closing ceremonies…
Or better yet- bring the wedding parties down to the RAC and have it during the lunch hour. That would be a first for FIRST…
other than being behind schedule yesturday and various small errors, it was fun… kind of disappointed not winning the imagery award but it was expected… for the team social, it was pasta and fried chicken… they had the i-bot and a “happy faces” video
Hey! What’s the news from Rutgers? Fans and team supporters in NW CT are dyeing to hear how team 716, the “Who’s CTEKS” are doing?