What's your Alma Mater?

As a college advisor from Purdue on Team 461, I was wondering where did the mentors on other teams graduate from? List your name, team # and alma mater!

Raj Daftuar
Team 461 Westside Boiler Invasion
International Academy, Bloomfield Hills MI (HS, Team 469)
Purdue University persuing BSEE

Mark McLeod
University of Virginia (Comp Sci)
Team 358/Team 1468

(Glad you didn’t ask when:) )

Sara Reffler
Rutgers University
Team Mercury (1089) / Highstown High School

Chris Hibner
Team #308 (TRW and Walled Lake Schools - the Monsters)
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (BSME and MSME)

(high school: Alpena High School - Alpena, Michigan)

Kristin Pugh
Team 891 (Syracuse Research Corp. and Central Tech Vocational Center) - started in 2002
Team 229 (Clarkson University) - 2000 and 2001

high school: Kendall High School, Kendall NY (no FIRST team though :frowning: )

Brandon Martus… Team 47
Henry Ford II High School; Utica, Michigan; Class of 1998
University of Detroit Mercy; Detroit, Michigan; Class of 2002; B.S. in Computer Science

Chris Husmann, PE
University of California, Irvine (UCI, pronunced Ukkey :wink: ) BSME
West Torrance High, Torrance CA

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Team 229 - Division By Zero

Clarkson University, BSME (2005 we hope) - Potsdam, NY

Shenedehowa Central HS (2001) - Clifton Park, NY

Ryan Curry
Team #30 High Technology HS
Lehigh University (2007) BSME


Amy Przybylinski
Lake Central HS (don’t think they have a FIRST team still)
Purdue University, West Lafayette… BSME '00.
TechnoKats #45

David Gaylord
Kettering University BSEE
Team #35 Sigma Squared

Shawn T. Lim
Woburn Collegiate Institute, Toronto, Ontario (Team 188)
Kettering University, BS Computer Engineering

Steve Shade
Team 1111

University of Maryland at College Park BSEE 2003

Parkville High School and Center for Mathematics, Science and Computer Science 1999, FIRST Team 007


Amanda M. Morrison

Ball State University, BA English: Rhetoric and Composition (2006?)
Muncie, IN Team 1020

D. E. Gavit High School
Hammond, IN Team 71

High School:
Enfield High School, Enfield, CT
Team #175 Buzz Robotics

Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA
BS, Computer Enginnering Technology, 2005 exp.
Team #125, NU-TRONS

What’s internesting about my FIRST involvement, is I’ve never gone to the school that’s directly involved with the team. Enfield High and Fermi High are the two high schools in Enfield CT. Although it’s Fermi’s team, Enfield High was encouraged to participate.
Now in college Northeastern encourages anyone to come by that’s willing to help. Last year, I made the 10 minute walk from my WIT dorm to the Northeastern Lab.
This year, I was on co-op in my hometown. To be able to participate I took a week of work off. I stayed at an engineers house (Thanks George) for the last week of build and commuted to Northeastern. I put in about 70 hours during that week of build. Our robot was finally complete at 4am on ship day :smiley:

David J. Fluck (Nobody can call me David though :p)

Kokomo High School, Kokomo, Indiana (2003)
Team 45, Technokats Robotics Team

Purdue University-Kokomo (Computer Engineering Technology) (20??) :wink:
Team 45, Technokats Robotics Team

I’m taking classes at this remote Purdue campus cause its cheaper and then after I get an associates degree I can move to the main campus of Purdue and go for a BS in CmpEET or I can take a few (more like several :p) more years and go for the Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering degree…sitll got plenty of time to figure that out…

Kris Verdeyen

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (BSEE - 2000)
Terre Haute South Vigo High School (1996)
Both in lovely Terre Haute, IN - my home that I dearly miss.

Neither of these fine schools has a FIRST team. (Hint, hint)

Aaron R. Lussier

High School:

Nashua High School Class of 2003
Team 151 (WildCards)


Heh yea, no college plans as of right now…

Anybody have any suggestions? PM me.


Allison Kneisler

Graduated From
Troy High school (Class of 2003), Troy MI, Team 226 (TEC CReW Hammerheads)

Albion College (Class of 2007 hopefully), Numberless ACE: Albion Competitive Engineering

Went to Rochester’s East High school (class of 1985) no FIRST program.
Still attending RIT (Team 73 the Visioneers) should graduate in either the summer or the fall.