Bah. I was just thinking… what if fortune cookies told us a real, unique future? What do you think yours would say?
mine: “You will be crushed by old friends jumping on you at nats this year”
Bah. I was just thinking… what if fortune cookies told us a real, unique future? What do you think yours would say?
mine: “You will be crushed by old friends jumping on you at nats this year”
“It’s a good thing you’re illiterate.”
“History is important, but don’t forget the future.”
“trial and error…”
I’ve got one here that I actually got out of a cookie:
“You would make a good lawyer”
Agh! No!
…Then I went and broke the code and opened another cookie from our take-out bag and it said:
“You will live a long and fruitful life”
Those two don’t go together do they?
If there was one for me though it would say:
After my little adventure on the Baltimore/Washington Parkway today, I would have to say my fortune is:
“Never, ever take anything for granted, especially your brakes…”
just lost another one of my nine lives, only six left now
*Originally posted by MissInformation *
**After my little adventure on the Baltimore/Washington Parkway today, I would have to say my fortune is:“Never, ever take anything for granted, especially your brakes…”
just lost another one of my nine lives, only six left now **
hmmmmm, sounds interesting…
is it something that i’m going to wake up and read about in the paper tomorrow?
can’t be too bad, you survived it (and can still type)…
“Beware of those you trust; for they will become evil doers against you.”
*Originally posted by RogerR *
**hmmmmm, sounds interesting…is it something that i’m going to wake up and read about in the paper tomorrow?
can’t be too bad, you survived it (and can still type)… **
If by interesting, you mean scary, then it was probably the most interesting thing I’ve ever done. I managed to pull my car onto the shoulder before I hit anything and I rode it out, and when it slowed down to about 3 miles an hour, something in the brake kicked in and stopped it. Other than the pure fear when I hit my brakes and nothing happened, the worse part was waiting in the car (turned off because of burning smell) in 97 degrees (heat index about 107) for 40 minutes for my friend to get there (I was closer to her house than home). I know why the brakes went (and I’m sheepishly refusing to say why) and now I’m waiting to hear from the mechanic to see if there was any permanent damage done, so my fortune for today is:
“Even small errors can be very costly.”
oh well, at least it answered one question I’ve always wondered about
:DDD Because Pi loves EVERYONE.
“Get a life”
I really need to heed that one. And, of course, the over-used classic
“That wasn’t chicken”
I know team 233 passed out customized robot ones at UCF i didnt get any but i saw them and my brother told me about it.
“Whenever you get an idea forget it because you’ll only mess things up.”
btw do you guys add the phrase “in the bedroom” after you read your fortunes? That’s something I’ve done ever since I can rememeber, I have no idea where it came from though because no one in my family said it until I brought it up one night…
*Originally posted by Carolyn Duncan *
**“Whenever you get an idea forget it because you’ll only mess things up.”
btw do you guys add the phrase “in the bedroom” after you read your fortunes? That’s something I’ve done ever since I can rememeber, I have no idea where it came from though because no one in my family said it until I brought it up one night… **
My mother said she and her friends always said “between the sheets” and me and my friends always used “in bed” so I guess this is something that has been around for a long time!
i just got one…
it says i will overcome all obsticles in my way
i wish mine woudl say
“dont mind you rmom’s excessive nagging, your dad obsessive shouting, enjoy yout life”
the problem is, i mind.
“these words have no inner message; yet you read me like an ancient prophecy”
“Do not be afraid of computers. Be afraid of the lack of them.”
“Lucky is coming your way.”
Mine would say…
“Too bad you didnt open me sooner, I would have told you that your life was going to be taken over by robots!”
“Dont worry, be happy”