What's your top five? UCF edition

I’m surprised that there is no thread on this topic yet so I’m starting it.
From what you have seen, heard, or read, what are YOUR top five picks (top five seeds) for the UCF regional next week? Basically five teams that you believe will dominate (or at least) excel in the regional.

here’s mine:

  1. 86 Resistance
  2. 233 Pink
  3. 1251 Tech Tigers
  4. 190
  5. 1523 M.A.R.S.

I am confident on the robot I worked on for 6 weeks.

here is my list.

  1. 233
  2. 179
  3. 86
  4. 1345
  5. 1029

My list (not self inclusive of course)


Thanks Ari,
It looks like we’re going to have some strong competition. I’m not sure how its all going to play out because the wild card is defense. Will it matter or won’t it??? If it turns out that defense isn’t strong every match then my list is slanted towards the light traction high scorers (that I’ve seen so far). If it turns out defense is winning the day, it becomes anybodys game and the defenders are more important. For instance, without D I would pick teams like MARS and 1345 and 86 etc. But with great D teams like 61 and 386 around I don’t see those high scorers getting much done. So you need muscle and scoring mixture. Which in my opinion requires either treads or 6wd, and 2 speed transmissions etc. Then you combine that with a turret or ground holding/camera correcting system and you’ve got a winner.
I’ve heard about heatwave and I can’t wait to see that machine. Also I’ve seen the 79 pics, and that looks like a tough machine. 1369 looks interesting. Also 710 has a cool blocking technique. And of coarse 1029 is going to play some great D and get those 1 pointers. SPAM has a killer machine but I know they’ve got a lot of work to do to get it running clean - if they do they will own. I’m really looking forward to seeing 1251 but the overweight thing had me concerned. I’m sure 845 will bring a well rounded machine. 190 and 342 always put together amazing machines, but I have no info. Don’t forget 945 - winner of 2004.
Anyhow I won’t boast on ours and I’ll pick (from those I know of) 233, 312, 61, 86, 79. If SPAM can get all their stuff finished I’d put them in my top 2 - I’m hoping for a great SPAM season.

  1. 845 - Overlooked in the past years, should make a great run
  2. 312 - Always an impressive bot, with smart drivers/scouts, and a compatible partner, they should dominate
  3. 1402 - Great strategy last year, expect the same this year
  4. 61 - Good defenders, if a good autonomous then a great team they shall be
  5. 357 - Have run into some on and off luck in past competitions, should be their year to have a big run

1.) 233
2.) 179
3.) 86
4.) 190
5.) 1523

i believe that a ground collection system will be a valuable defensive asset, as critical as a good drive train;

  1. 233
  2. 179
  3. 86
  4. 1902
  5. 1029

unfortunately, 1369 is going to have to miss UCF this year. we will be rocking the Peachtree regional, though.

and whatever fink told you about heatwave will pay dearly. his betrayal will not be taken lightly.


you’d think that wouldn’t you? actually, it involves some innovative use of live jumbo shrimp and 3.3 kg of publix brand ground beef chuck </edit>

Yep I forgot 1402, Somehow they always adapt so perceptively to the game. I’m sure they’re going to have a do it all and do it well machine.

Oops sorry Fink, whadya do to Heatwave leakers? probably involves fire?

I’ve also heard rumblings about 312–I’ll be very interested to see them in action.

I suppose I should, to get the list proper…

  1. 179
  2. 233
  3. 180
  4. 312
  5. 1902 (Technically rookies, but they’ve got a lot of experience in their mentors. I’m not going to count them out.)

No self-plugging here, since I’ll be base driving. I do believe that qualifies as a conflict of interest…

My list:

  1. 312 - Heatwave - I have no idea why I’ve been saying this since before the start of the season. Just trust me on this one.
  2. 86 - Resistance - Absolutely amazing robot from what I’ve seen in the video. Fast, accurate and reliable, this bot is sure to dominate.
  3. 180 - S.P.A.M. - Great drivetrain, and assuming they have everything finished, I’m quite positive we will all be amazed.
  4. 79 - Krunch - My team’s former mentors will be served well by their swerve drive this year, but will their drivers be up to the task?
  5. 233 - Pink - I hate to say it, I’m pretty sure they will do well, but the SwampPink dynasty is over. Maybe next year guys?

Let me start off by saying thats for you people who put 1251 in the top 5.

I really don’t know you never know but here it goes :


Just a wild guess from what I have seen and heard so far, there are a lot of variables in this. Just my two cents on this subject, good luck to everyone see ya in a week or so.


On that matter, there are always the subliminal factors of penalties. Especially with the offense-defense periods, I think there are going to be more penalties this year than there were last year. Though I’m not a believer in penalties, they may end up deciding everything. They say offense wins games and defense wins championships. But (lack of) penalties wins regionals.

I haven’t seen much of the robots for this regional. Just out of blatant lack-of-knowledge of the Florida Regional, I will have to go with the consensus.

I wouldn’t mind a report from what was seen at the swampthing scrimmage. Could use a few tips for when my teams play Fantasy FIRST against eachother. With that said, I’m not entirely sure why we play this before a single match is played, these threads are always based off of history and popularity-Its a new year.

However, I’ll play along.

233-Historically sound pick
190-counting on seeing an outstanding drivetrain
1402-Would not believe what I saw at the Robot Ruckus…

The next two belong to any of the following 179, 312, 180, and 1390. The first three are known for outstanding drivetrains and some incredible scoring mechanism year after year. 1390 this year really impressed me at how much they have improved and how beautiful their robot is. The best shooters at the ruckus were by far 1402 and 1390. I’m hoping 1402 can bring their speed down enough and work out a few last kinks to make them one seriously competitive bot. If nothing else, I have a feeling 1390 will win the “coolest t-shirt” award. :cool:

1523 put some videos together from our “scrimmage” here
But I don’t think these tell you much about how those teams will compete. We were all basically trying our stuff out unabated and un-committed. We ran like 60 second shootem ups I guess. For us, we were actually working on autonomous most of the time and working out some ifi wheel problems (fixed now :slight_smile: )… Plus we changed out the whole shooter frame to rapidly feed balls (and get lighter) since then.

Got pics/vid? explain!


Teams 179, 233 and 386 always have great robots. 945, 180, 108 and 86 never let you down either. Another MA team, 190, WPI always has an interesting robot to say the least. I think that there will be at least 20 teams that are going to dominate.

In my opinion UCF has one of the best regionals for competitive robots. This regional gets better and better every year. Can’t wait till this year and see some of the surprise teams that no one expects to see!

I can’t have a top 5. I have a top 8. In no specific order.


my top 10 picks for the UCF

59 Ramtech always very strong robot

79 Captain Krunch few years ago flying around the field with their drive system (stack Attack) they always come to play

108 SigmaC@T always there to play to win great team

179 Swampthing another robot that will be there to play hard

180 S.P.A.M. dear to my own heart great power robot. hope they can get it running good

233 Pink some year they win some years we win. but always have a great robot ( still like it when they came up to Hartford regional and we picked them back in 2000. what team would go from the warm FL to the cold New England. good then and good now)

312 Heatwave some years they get it right and watch out. they could be a lot of trouble. but a very strong group of people on that team.

386 Voltage another team that can come out and do very well. Thanks to them they help us out to get to the nationals a couple of years ago. very good people.

945 great team if they come with there “A” game they will be very strong

1062 1065 Both of these robot could be fun to watch on the field

I think the regional winner will be in this top ten. I think team 190 will not be ready even after already having one regional before coming down. team 190 needs a few regional before they work out all the bugs and then watch out.

good luck to all

I dunno, but their website seems to indicate something to the contrary of your theory.

No the fire is reserved for new inductees to the pit crew, and for team members that get their car stuck in people’s lawns while they are supposed to be working on the robot.

sorry nick…it is too funny for me to deny the CD viewers

Lets see:
a big publix burger
and Jumbo shrimp

You guys have barbeques for the moles? That doesn’t sound like a threat to me. Since I’m part of the conspiracy do I get some of this surf and turf? I’ll spill the beans I swear!

I am pretty confident about these teams,Last year we had a great strategy with our defensive robot and this year I am sure that we will accell.

here’s mine:

  1. 233 Pink
  2. 86 Resistance
  3. 1251 Tech Tigers
  4. 190
  5. 1694 (Yeah!)

P.S I can’t wait to see you guys there. :smiley:

after reading many of the posts here, i keep thinking “how did i forget about them?!?!? that team is (usually) pretty tough”
I think this year the Florida regional is going to be harder than an already tough regional. I think luck is going play a bigger role than ever with alliances. I think this year more than ever one team being able to “carry” an alliance is going to be very difficult.

Also, the switching sides for offense / defense is going to get confusing at times. hopefully on Thursday drivers and coaches will have this mastered.

side note to my thinking that UCF is going to be harder than ever. maybe it’s because I’ve never seen anyone’s robot prior to the regional. watching the regional this weekend should help all around, strategy, stupid mistakes teams might make, corrections to avoid penalties. Lucky for me i have NASA TV.

T-minus 7 days : 3hrs : 24min
i cant wait.