when at the mall...

was at the mall today wandering around, and i was wondering where people shop.

pacsun… anchor blue if i’m feeling cheap. Macy’s if i’m feeling rich, and a&f if i feel like wasting time (as soon as i see a price tag i walk out. too goddamn expensive)

where do you shop?

edit: yeah, i realize i missed alot of stuff… i don’t go to the mall often.

I generally try to stay as far as I possibly can from malls. Shopping is not one of my favorite activities.


our mall has an apple store ::happy::

i went there today to check out the new G5s… they’re not out until august… blah.

I am a shop-o-holic so I think I checked off 4 of the boxes. Most of my clothes are GAP or of the same preppy sort so don’t make fun of my store.

hot topic (for cd’s, not clothes)

eddie bauer [via internet] they have tall clothes that aren’t too hideous and are work appropriate and ok for everyday wear. [6’7"]

cough I am SUCH a shop-a-holic… recently, while cleaning out my closet I found lots of clothes that I have never worn before. LOL it was depressing.

I checked off three boxes, but I shop mainly at American Eagle and Abercrombie & Fitch… heh heh I’m resisting the urge to go on.

Hmm… I make my own shirts and have made myself duct tape pants and a duct tape trench coat… that’s y I checked off something else.

I hate shopping for clothes! Blah! I get quite a bit of clothing from my mother and sister as gifts. But when I do have to shop for clothing, it’s usually at a department store (with the treat of going to a book store afterwards).


he’s just a metaphor waiting to happen

I can often be found wearing robotics shirts (and shirts from plays that i’ve helped with at school) around.

[EDIT]I forgot to mention that I’m wearing a shirt from last year’s Philiadelpha competition today[/EDIT]

Yeah, good clothes and myself will never have the luxury of a peaceful coexistance… I go to the Burlington Coat Factory for my clothes, because its within (relatively) walking distance of my house, and it has a Tall men’s section. I am not that tall, but my arms are 2inches longer than everyone my height, which makes everything painful. I know, I’m a unique product of nature :wink:

I hate shopping for clothes. Those of you who know me, know that I have like five shirts that are kind of faded and like five pairs of pants that look almost the same, some shade of white. I think that shopping for clothes is annoying. Now in case anyone cares, I am handicapped and can’t skate, surf, or play sports so it would be strange for me to wear Quicksilver stuff or Rusty, and so on. I just buy the first shirts I see that fit me. I just hate it.

Malls Upset me, they dont tend to have Big Mike Sized clothes… I go to the mall only once a year… for christmas presents for my faimily :stuck_out_tongue:

I make all of my clothes from linens saved from our dryer’s lint trap.

…okay, maybe not. I shop in many, many varied places. Some are found in every single mall on earth (coughThe Gapcough), most are not.

how about a new option: I wear clothes, but I don’t ever shop except for online tech places. and on rare occasions.

My shopping ritual is pretty simple. I enter Old Navy, find something that I wouldn’t make fun of on someone else, find it in my size and at least 3 different colors, pay and leave. I try to do this at least twice a year, otherwise my wardrobe tends to look a little shabby.

*Originally posted by George1083 *
**My shopping ritual is pretty simple. I enter Old Navy, find something that I wouldn’t make fun of on someone else, find it in my size and at least 3 different colors, pay and leave. I try to do this at least twice a year, otherwise my wardrobe tends to look a little shabby. **

Yes, cheap is good. I use a similar method. Paying $30 for a T-Shirt with a name on it is highly overrated (coughAbercrombie&Fitch / EddieBauercough). No, I don’t feel like being a mindless walking billboard. I don’t mind being one for Old Navy though because you can get 5 T-Shirts for $10.

Kohl’s is a pretty good place to shop as well. I think I’ve only bought something from PacSun/Buckle once (nice pair of shorts & shirt on sale).

I did get a pair of boxers from GAP once. I felt wierd in that place. The only reason I got’em is because they were free :stuck_out_tongue:

… I must admit, I enjoy being a walking billboard sometimes.

Though I wouldn’t pay anymore that $50 to be one :slight_smile:

… well except in ONE case.

:slight_smile: I want to buy shirts in every color, and write “KRI” all over them so that I can be a billboard for myself!

I don’t shop.
I just attend events that give out free promotional t-shirts.

although the pants situation is getting a little tight…

[edit] sorry about the pun, i really couldn’t help my self. really[/edit]

i shop a lot. i actually went today for almost 5 hours. thats not to say i bought a lot though. i did buy some stuff. i dont think i have one particular set of stores i shop from. i know i go to some stores on a regular basis to see if theres anything new, but i wouldnt say i shop anywhere regularly. basically, if i like something and its worth the price its being sold at, i buy it.

cough Hot Topic =! punk cough

And the catalog cardboard cutouts continue marching.