May someone please direct me to where I can find either a cad model of the 2 CIM P80 gearboxes or a technical drawing that includes things such as mounting holes. Also on a side note how does one attach encoders onto the P80?
Thank you
Go straight to the source…
Except that the datasheet for the gearboxes doesn’t have those technical drawings. They’ve only got single-CIM.
There might be one or two people on the forums with CAD models, though, or the ability to get them.
Encoders: Custom mount is your best bet; probably at the end of the shaft or elsewhere in the drivetrain if possible.
FIRST CAD Library has a gearbox, although it might be the older one.
I wouldn’t recommend running the joiner into a single planetary unless you have some calculations backing it up. The gearbox doesn’t like torque that much based on experience (they have made improvements, but I still think overloading is not recommended).
Can’t say the joiner is easy to find, I may have a copy of the CAD somewhere, but its not easily accesible, and its for the old version. If you don’t have any luck elsewhere, PM me and I will take a look for it.
PS: Seriously consider going for the AM toughbox instead. Most applications are served much better with it.
The Banebots recommended torque limit for the P80 is 85ft-lbs. Anything less than 24:1 with a pair of CIMs cannot reach that torque. If you are using a P80 higher than 24:1 ratio then you have to be careful that you are not exceeding that torque.
My experience suggests a different mode of failure with the gearboxes, and that is brittle fracture. The hardened carrier plate fix somewhat alleviated this, but if you crash a few times at decent speed, you could start to get some crack propagation in them (I am not sure of exact numbers, I just recommend some engineering analysis before you use them).
EDIT: Also, I took a look through my archives and apparently have lost all my pertinent CAD files, sorry.