Hi everyone, I’ve been wondering if anyone knows where to find these two parts I saw on robots last year. I would post pictures but that feature is unavailable to new users.
The orange rubber belts on the 2023 Triple Strange robot:
And the intake rollers that Citrus Circuits used last year:
Yes, the orange belt is the poly belt material from McMaster-Carr, linked above. We used it in 2022 for a different purpose (the flappers on our intake) and it’s tough, flexible, and grippy. To make the kind of belts you see on Triple Strange’s and Citrus Circuits’ robots out of it you heat weld the ends together using a heat gun.
We used the 1" belting in 2022 and just made a simple U-shaped jig out of scrap 2x4, butted the two ends together in the U, used a heat gun to melt them, and then pressed down with a chunk of 1x2 aluminum for 10-15 seconds.